Writing About Crime - True Crime Cases in Canada
58min2020 JUN 13


The Lori Douglas Story “The Naked Judge” Like any story, where three people all tell their version - the details don’t always align from each person's account…. However, there is no doubt that Jack King sent his client Alexander Chapman risque photos of his wife and Queen’s Court Bench Justice Lori Douglas - but how much did she know? Or, the even bigger question I’m asking … How much do we need to know? You can be the jury on this chapter ... Visit: Writing About Crime Facebook page: Writing About Crime Twitter: @writingcrime Instagram: Writing About Crime Instagram Email: writingaboutcrime@writeme.com This most recent summer reading I recommend was: Under the Bridge: The True Story of the Murder of Reena Virk by Rebecca Godfrey “Who were the seemingly ordinary teenagers who beat and killed a girl who longed to be their friend? And how could they hide the murder from their parents and teachers and the police for eight days?” You can buy it HERE and HERE, and you can follow...
