Writing About Crime - True Crime Cases in Canada
1h 26min2020 SEP 24


Karla Homolka In this second episode of a two part series on KARLA HOMOLKA some of the big questions are asked. Was she afraid to leave, or was she fulfilled by her involvement? Psychoanalysts have drawn the connection between Karla Homolka and a syndrome known as "Bonnie and Clyde" syndrome or hybristophilia - as it appears some element of paraphilic disorder is in play with Karla. **PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS EPISODE HAS CONTENT THAT MAY DISTURB SOME LISTENERS*** WRITING ABOUT CRIME - TRUE CRIME CASES IN CANADA Research and writing:Bonnie Lee Visit: Writing About Crime Facebook page: Writing About Crime Twitter @writingcrime Instagram: Writing About Crime Instagram Email: writingaboutcrime@writeme.com ***Thank you Tara And Barney of BLOODY MURDER PODCAST. For providing the disclosure at the top of the show. A special thank you to Barney for redesigning my logo. You both are a treat. Sources used in this episode include: Prison Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Convicte...
