The Prostate Health Podcast
22min2021 SEP 23


Men and their loved ones often ask what can be done to decrease their risk of getting aggressive prostate cancer and improve their overall outcomes if they do end up getting prostate cancer. In honor of September’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, I’m happy to present you with one of our most popular episodes from the archives, which features Dr. Stephen Freedland, a prostate cancer expert, and focuses on the role that diet and lifestyle play in the development and progression of prostate cancer. He will bring you up to speed today with all you need to know. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Stephen Freedland is a true visionary on the role of lifestyle and diet in prostate cancer. He wears many different hats. He is the Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle, Associate Director of Cedars-Sinai Cancer for Education and Training, Professor in the Division of Urology at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and a staff physician at the Durham VA Medi...
