The Prostate Health Podcast

The Prostate Health Podcast

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So the big question is this: how can men and those who care for them better educate themselves regarding prostate health, the conditions that affect the prostate, and the latest technology in managing these conditions? That is the question and this podcast will provide the answers. My name is Garrett D. Pohlman, MD, founder and host of The Prostate Health Podcast. On a weekly basis I will be chatting with experts, innovators, and leaders in the field of Urology – sharing useful information with the general public to improve their lives and increase their overall health.

Would you like to help end prostate cancer and improve the lives of men and their families by advancing research and inspiring action? The ZERO RUN/WALK season is coming up! Today, we are excited to welcome Tracy Cameron, ZERO’s Midwest Chapter Manager, to talk about the history and purpose of Zero’s RUN/WALK events and share the information about the upcoming Zero RUN/WALK season. Dr. Pohlman is grateful to have the Zero Organization available for his patients and their loved ones! About a year ago, he and Tracy started working as the Prostate Health Podcast at Kearney Urology Center PC, partnered with Zero in hosting the first annual prostate cancer RUN/WALK in Kearney, Nebraska. This year’s RUN/WALK event is coming up on Saturday, May 21st, at 9 am at Yanney Heritage Park. Stay tuned to find out how you can join the cause and assist in fighting prostate cancer! Disclaimer: The Prostate Health Podcast is for informational purposes only. Nothing in this podcast should be construed as medical advice. By listening to the podcast, no physician-patient relationship has been formed. For more information and counseling, you must contact your personal physician or urologist with questions about your unique situation. Show highlights: Tracy talks about the history and purpose of Zero’s RUN/WALK. Other RUN/WALKs will be taking place in the Midwest territory, in addition to the upcoming one in Kearney. To sign up for the race, log onto the Zero Cancer website and click on the RUN/WALK icon in the upper right-hand corner to find a list of all the RUN/WALKs happening countrywide. Click on your city and register there. (Sign up here to join us in Kearney, Nebraska, on Saturday, May 21st.) You can sign up for the RUN/WALK as an individual or a team. You can also make a donation or volunteer. Tracy talks about the awards and recognition for the top fundraisers for the race. The registration for RUN/WALK events is free, and the race shirts cost $50. (You can fundraise to cover the cost of your race shirt.) Tracy explains how the virtual option for the race will work. A national RUN/WALK virtual event will take place in September. Tracy talks about other ways to get involved besides participating in the race. How will the donations from event sponsors be used? Links: Follow Dr. Pohlman on Twitter and Instagram - @gpohlmanmd Get your free What To Expect Guide (or find the link here, on our podcast website) Join our Facebook group Follow Dr. Pohlman on Twitter and Instagram Go to the Prostate Health Academy to sign up for the wait-list for our bonus video content. You can access Dr. Pohlman’s free mini webinar, where he discusses his top three tips to promote men’s prostate health, longevity, and quality of life here.

Men and their loved ones often ask what can be done to decrease their risk of getting aggressive prostate cancer and improve their overall outcomes if they do end up getting prostate cancer. In honor of September’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, I’m happy to present you with one of our most popular episodes from the archives, which features Dr. Stephen Freedland, a prostate cancer expert, and focuses on the role that diet and lifestyle play in the development and progression of prostate cancer. He will bring you up to speed today with all you need to know. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Stephen Freedland is a true visionary on the role of lifestyle and diet in prostate cancer. He wears many different hats. He is the Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle, Associate Director of Cedars-Sinai Cancer for Education and Training, Professor in the Division of Urology at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and a staff physician at the Durham VA Medi...

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Men often ask Dr. Pohlman about when it will be the right time for them to start getting checked for prostate cancer. For this episode, we circle back to Episode 32, where Dr. Matt Cooperberg, from the University of California, San Francisco, spoke about prostate cancer screening. The way that men get screened for prostate cancer continues to evolve. Today, Dr. Cooperberg answers all your burning questions and explains how you can be smarter when it comes to detecting prostate cancer. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Cooperberg earned his MD and MPH degrees at Yale University, and he completed his residency in urology and fellowship in urologic oncology at UCSF. At the end of his training, Dr. Cooperberg joined the faculty at UCSF, where he maintains busy clinical practices at the UCSF Hellen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the San Francisco VA Medical Center. He has written or contributed to over 350 research articles. Through his...

Today, we are bringing Episode 30 back out of the vault for an encore. The way that men can be helped to overcome the symptoms of an enlarged prostate continues to transform with minimally invasive surgical techniques. We are excited to bring back our conversation with urologist, Dr. Dean Elterman today. He will bring you up to speed with aquablation and explain how water power can be used to help men with the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Elterman completed residency training in urologic surgery at the University of Toronto. He then completed a fellowship in Voiding Dysfunction, Neuro-Urology, Female Urology, and Pelvic Reconstruction at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. He has worked in the area of men’s health and survivorship at the Iris Cantor Men’s Health Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College and the University of Toronto. He...

Vasectomy is a minimally invasive procedure and an excellent form of birth control for couples. There are, however, many myths and misconceptions that surround a vasectomy, making some men feel reluctant to have it done. For that reason, Dr. Pohlman felt it vital to address those myths once again. Today, we are bringing Episode 11 back out of the vault. In that episode, the board-certified urologist, Dr. Jay Sandlow joined us to debunk ten of the more common myths regarding a vasectomy. One of those myths is that a vasectomy is the same as castration. That will be one of the ten myths that we will debunk in this episode. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Sandlow is a fellowship-trained specialist in male infertility. He completed his urology residency and fellowship at the University of Iowa. He currently serves as Vice-chair and Professor for the Department of Urology at the Medical College of Wisconsin, in Milwaukee. He has experience in microsurgery as well as minimally invasive treatment...

So, what is a prostate anyway? Where is it located? Today, we circle back and bring our very first podcast, Episode 1, out of the vault. It was an informative interview with the urologist, Dr. Brantley Thrasher, who explains everything you need to know about the prostate. This episode forms the foundation for your understanding of the prostate gland and what could go wrong with it. The information in this episode is vital to grasp, no matter which stage you are at in your prostate journey. Dr. Thrasher will bring you fully up to speed with all you need to know about the prostate gland, its function, and what could go wrong with it. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Thrasher is the immediate past president of the American Urologic Association, the former chair of the department of urology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, and the current executive director of the American Board of Urology. In addition to giving over 400 presentations at local, national, and international meetings, h...

There is a continuous emergence of new and innovative techniques that help to preserve men’s sexual function after undergoing surgical therapy for an enlarged prostate. Those newer techniques have contributed significantly to our field, particularly for men who might not be candidates for less invasive approaches. When compared with the traditional technique for Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (or TURP), two of the newer techniques have been providing a significant improvement in the sparing of men's ejaculatory function, as well as improving their symptoms and quality of life. In this episode, Dr. Pohlman reviews the two ejaculation-preserving TURP techniques. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition for many men as they age. Approximately half of all men between the ages of fifty-one and sixty, and up to ninety percent of men over eighty have it. BPH is a benign or non-cancerous condition that does not lead to prostate cancer. BPH and prostate cancer can c...

Today, we are replaying the interview with Dr. Elizabeth Mobley from Episode 29, where she spoke about the importance of preserving bladder health. Many men don’t realize that ignoring the symptoms of prostate problems could result in damage caused to their bladders, and that could affect their overall bladder health. In his practice, Dr. Pohlman has often come across men with noticeable damage to their bladders when they go in to see him for their initial consultation. That was why he felt it vital to circle back to that topic. In this episode, Dr. Mobley, a urologist, talks about the continuing shifts in treating an enlarged prostate. She also covers some of the potential symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), for which men need to keep a lookout. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Elizabeth Mobley is a board-certified urologist with Urology Austin, in Texas. She pursued her urology training at the University of Utah, and following her residency she completed additional urology fe...

Today we will address a sensitive topic that men often feel afraid to talk about. We will be talking about the very common condition of erectile dysfunction. We are honored to have Dr. Dean Knoll joining us on the show. Dr. Knoll is a urologist and an expert in men’s sexual health. In this episode, he talks about a very viable and satisfactory option for men when more conservative options are no longer working. Dr. Dean Knoll is a board-certified urologist, currently practicing at Urology Associates PC in Nashville, Tennessee. He completed his residency in urology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Knoll is a frequent contributor to the medical press and has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, and book chapters. He has delivered numerous lectures and operated both nationally and internationally. Dr. Knoll has been a principal investigator in over 110 basic science and clinical trials of new devices and pharmacotherapies for various urology conditions....

One of our more popular episodes was with Dr. Simon Kim in Episode 7. For today, we are bringing that episode out of the vault. Receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis can be a frightening experience that could cause much anguish for men and their loved ones. We are fortunate to have Dr. Simon Kim, a urologic oncologist, as our guest for the show today to walk you through the process. In this episode, Dr. Kim explains what it all means. He discusses the various options and clarifies where to go from there. Stay tuned for more! Dr. Kim is a board-certified urologic oncologist at the University of Colorado's Anschutz Medical Campus. He has worn many hats including Director of Robotic Surgery. Dr. Kim's clinical practice focuses on the surgical management of prostate, bladder, kidney, testes, adrenal, and penile cancer. He has been independently funded by the NIH to develop decision aids for men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer. He has published more than 180 manuscripts and serv...

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