Sex Ed for the Modern Bed Show
55min2020 AUG 3


We are Swinging in a virtual world At least a lot of us are during these times! From dating sites, to Facebook groups and even virtual parties…with the current situation worldwide a lot of non-monogamists have switched over to the virtual world. We have released a show about this in the past, but obviously this time things are a bit different, so we wanted to talk about it! There are countless of dating sites that tailor themselves to non-monogamous individuals and couples. We wanted to share some of the websites, apps, and social platforms you can use for getting your swing on, online. We also wanted to reveal our online tips and tricks that really improve your likelihood of meeting someone great online. Virtual lifestyle parties have been making a big impact in the community during these times and can be a great way for you to get out there without having to get out. We’ve attended a few and want to talk about our experience and a few things that worked well for us. Now, let’s ...
