Sex Ed for the Modern Bed Show

Sex Ed for the Modern Bed Show

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What are people doing to have better sex with their partners? Or themselves? Who goes to sex parties? How do threesomes work? Why is your sex drive low?Sex is in a state of rapid progression. Relationships, sexualities, and genders are detaching from cultural norms and these changes are empowering people to design the sex life they crave.Join Taara Rose (from the podcast formerly known as Sex Uninterrupted) as they bring a fresh perspective to sex, dating and relationships and discuss what modern love can look like. Their training as a Somatic Sex Educator coupled with experience in ethical non-monogamy helps openminded folks cultivate personal expansion and uncover how to experience pleasurable and fulfilling sex.NEW EPISODES COMING SOON!

In keeping with the theme of our last show, Swinging in a Virtual World, we wanted to dive into the seductive world of OnlyFans. Not only is it extremely sexy to be a subscriber (yes we subscribe to other’s OnlyFans accounts!), if you are looking for an out-of-the-box way to spice things up AND make some extra money – this may be an episode you want to listen to! Later in the show we invite a special guest who really is one of the pioneers of OnlyFans – Kate Maxx! She has been on the platform for the last 3 years and was the one who encouraged and helped us make the shift over to a more sex friendly platform after Patreon disabled our account. She shares some of her advice for people interested in subscribing to an OnlyFans page and what you can expect as a subscriber. She also reveals some of her tips and tricks for creators – she’s in the top 1.3% so trust me when I say she knows what she is talking about! Lastly, she opens up about how Onlyfans has helped sex workers (stripp...

We are Swinging in a virtual world At least a lot of us are during these times! From dating sites, to Facebook groups and even virtual parties…with the current situation worldwide a lot of non-monogamists have switched over to the virtual world. We have released a show about this in the past, but obviously this time things are a bit different, so we wanted to talk about it! There are countless of dating sites that tailor themselves to non-monogamous individuals and couples. We wanted to share some of the websites, apps, and social platforms you can use for getting your swing on, online. We also wanted to reveal our online tips and tricks that really improve your likelihood of meeting someone great online. Virtual lifestyle parties have been making a big impact in the community during these times and can be a great way for you to get out there without having to get out. We’ve attended a few and want to talk about our experience and a few things that worked well for us. Now, let’s ...

Right now, many Lifestylers are opting to keep LS activities at a minimum and may be experiencing a “what do we do now?!” feeling when it comes to the bedroom. Being non monogamous provided us with plenty of ways to be creative and explore new things sexually, but now that this is on the back burner, we recognized some helpful guidance may be in order… To help us explore our kinkier sides, we re-invited a special guest onto our show. MarKus from House of MarKus joins us on this weeks’ show and opens us up to some extremely helpful ideas when it comes to “Getting Kinky With It!” MarKus shares his way of starting the conversation around getting kinky and how his questionnaire helps create a kinkier dialogue. He also shares a special trick on how to plan in advance when it comes to intimate and/or kinky nights. That way you are not stuck asking each other “what should we do tonight?!” when you have a free evening and are in a sexy mood. This episode is packed with lots of helpf...

Have you guys seen the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”? He was born an old man and near his death, he ages into a newborn? Well, it’s kinda how we have been feeling with the Lifestyle lately – and we wanted to share why! Ever since this whole pandemic started, we have had the feeling that we were missing something in our relationship - and we were - it was the non-monogamy! Unlike most couples that find the Lifestyle later after establishing a bond, we have never been without it in our relationship. This has brought an interesting perspective to romance and the Lifestyle as we know it. In this episode, we dive into what is coming up for us in our relationship WITHOUT non monogamy. A lot has surfaced regarding our mental health, and we want to share how we are navigating things like depression and anxiety while attempting to find creative ways to replace what non monogamy brought to our partnership. It hasn’t been easy, and we are certain a lot of couples are facing ...

We are doing it again! Steamy Swingers Stories Remembered 2.0! We had so much fun (and got pretty turned on) when we did our interviews for our last show and wanted to keep the good vibes rolling for this one! I know we aren't the only ones missing making new Lifestyle adventures right now, and hearing about our friend's sexy adventures certainly helped to ease the pain! We were lucky to interview two lovely couples who have been in the Lifestyle for years. We discuss how covid has been impacting them before jumping into some of their most memorable bloopers and adventures. Tune in today as we aim to make you laugh, turn you on and share some insight on what an open relationship is like! WATCH ON YOUTUBE: ---- About The SU Show: Are you curious to know what a consensual non monogamous relationship looks like? Did you know more people are discovering these types of relationships everyday? Interested to know if it’s for you? The Sex Uninterrupted Show wit...

I'm sure we are all missing the fun, sexy adventures of what an open relationship and the Lifestyle has to offer right now. From travelling to an exoctic destination where you can be nude in the pool, to meeting a new couple for drinks and feeling a hint of butterflies. Non monogamous relationships really can offer a new level of excitement to our lives and many are missing it. So this week we asked our local friends to relive some of their steamiest swinger moments on our show! We want to help fulfill the Lifestyle quench many of our listeners are experiencing and thought sharing some sexy stories (and bloopers!) would do that. Tune in and prepared to get turned on (and maybe have a few laughs!) as our amazing and brave friends share some of their steamy swinger stories. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: ---- About The SU Show: Are you curious to know what a consensual non monogamous relationship looks like? Did you know more people are discovering these types of relat...

Welcome to our FIFTH Weed & Wine Wednesday! This means we have paused our regular SU Show for 10 weeks - which is why we are announcing this will be our last Covid live! After this show, we will be going back to our regularly recorded show with interviews, guests and more! As this is our last live (for now) - we have some special topics planned for you. We start with sharing our lessons learned since our last show. What have we discovered about ourselves? What about our relationship? Next we switch gears and talk about how covid is shaping relationships as a whole. We no longer have the outlets available that helped us to avoid issues that were present in our relationship. No more girls/guys nights out, no more weekend getaways to look forward to and smooth things over (or distract us). We are staying home and being forced to come face to face with issues while a pandemic drags on. And for some, it hasn't been easy. Which brings us to our next topic, how Covid is shaping the Lifesty...

We are our fourth Weed & Wine Wednesday! We decided that until we are able to get our Lifestyle life back on track, we would pause our show and instead do a Live series called Weed & Wine Wednesday's. AND we have some pretty exciting announcements to make on our show tonight! On our live today we want to share what our new plan is for Sex Uninterrupted going forward. If you haven't heard already, for most of April we were in talks with Patreon as they disabled our account. It was a very challenging time and brought about a lot of emotions and discussions about the future of Sex Uninterrupted. Patreon is what supported our business and what funded this show, our blog, travel, videos and all the free stuff we provide daily. Without it, it is difficult for us to continue doing what we do. We are happy to annouce we found a better path for Sex Uninterrupted and are excited to share this with you on our show today! As well, we plan on doing a lessons learned segment where we share the th...

For the third time in a row we are pausing our regularly scheduled shows to bring you this special live instead. We decided that until we are able to resume our show and get our "Lifestyle Life" back on track, we would instead do a live series called Weed & Wine Wednesday's. We love our weed, Taara loves her wine and we thought this would be a great way to stay virtually connected with our community! For our show this week we wanted to give everyone a update of what we have been going through with Sex Uninterrupted. Unfortunately we have been targeted for have overly sexy content on some of the platforms we use (which is true to some degree!) and this has brought up a lot of challenges, emotions and change for us. Enduring this on top of everything else that is going on in the world hasn't been easy and we wanted to share with our listeners what it's like to experience depression and grief, how this can impact your partner(s) and offer suggestions to help you get through tough times...

For the second time in a row we are pausing our regularly scheduled shows to bring you this special live instead. We decided that until we are able to resume our show and get our "Lifestyle Life" back on track, we would instead do a live series called Weed & Wine Wednesday's. We both love our weed, Taara loves her wine and we thought this would be a great way to stay virtually connected with our community! This week we want to share some of the things we are learning as we navigate these strange times. Conflict and disagreements have a possibility of being more common right now and we wanted to share some tools we are learning to help navigate when this happens. Another thing we have put a lot of focus into lately are our rituals and routines. They have become increasingly important to us since many of the ones we had in place are being put on hold or changed. We share some new ones we are exploring and suggestions on how to re-create new ones of your own. Finally we wrap up with an...

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