Cosmic Cousins
38min2022 JUN 14
Play Episode


Sagittarius Full Moon I expand. I envision. I set myself free. On the latestepisode of Cosmic Cousins,explore the invitation of theSagittariusFull Moon. Enjoy ritual, tarot connections and a meditation for embodied health. In addition, Happy Pride Month! I am so grateful to be out and gay! On thelatest episode of the podcast wehonor gay icon Judy Garland, her life and 100th birthday, by looking at her Birth Chart and talking about her life. I hope you are able to celebrate this month in some way. Big love to all the LGBTQIA2S+ cousins out there! Sagittarius Full Moon Affirmation: I put my faith in something greater than myself. I lovingly let go of control. ︎ Sagittarius Full Moon Tuesday, June 14,2022 4:51am PST 23º 25' NEW OFFERINGS!! The first-ever Portland Fools Tarot Journey! Fools Journey Online Community Support Group for Spiritual & Wellness Practitioners ______________________________________________________ OTHER LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

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