Cosmic Cousins

Cosmic Cousins

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143 Episodes
Cosmic Cousins is a ritual podcast released every New and Full Moon. Hosted by Jeff Hinshaw, Cosmic Cousins is dedicated to honoring the interconnectedness of our universal family through: embodied health, self-discovery, and deeper learning.
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143 Episodes

Capricorn Full Moon I build. I commit. I endure. On Wednesday (July 13), the moon will arrive at its closest point to the Earth for 2022, making thisFull Moon aSupermoon.In the sign ofCapricorn andconjunct Pluto, this Full Moon bringsan intensityof emotional awareness. Structures (both within and without) are moving through a portal of death and rebirth. Asteroid Ceres is in Cancer in opposition to this Full Moon, encouraging the cultivation of family, intuition, and healing. With ruling planet Saturn in Aquarius, freedom and humanitarian idealsmay feel restricted and underreview.Be patient with yourself and the process. As a balance to Cancer Season, the Capricorn Full Moon offers a practical vantage point. If your emotions feel overwhelming, reconnect with your environment. Honor the parts of you that are hardworking and perseverant. How might you shift your awareness away from the need for recognition and more towardliving in alignment with your values?What structures need to be put in place in order to ensure greater overall health for your body and the environment?In what ways might you commit to using your public offerings to offer greaterhealing to the Earth? Capricorn Full Moon Affirmation: I listen to the ancient wisdom of my work. CapricornFull Moon Wednesday, July 13,2022 11:37am PST 21º 21' Capricorn Full Moon Reflections In my birth chart I have Venus, Neptune and Juno in Capricorn in the 12th House of the Unknown. My relationship to business and career (Capricorn) isspiritual, otherworldly and mysterious (12th House). My process does not always follow the traditional rules of business, howeverI am hardworking and Iconsistently show up.My personal relationship to Capricorn (Collective Earth) is the commitmenttoward living in alignment with the planet. Being an astrologer allowsmeto lessen my environmental impact, while also it gifts me the opportunity to be my own boss. This ensures that I am able to make decisions that are in alignment with my values. Every day I am grateful and humbled to be of service in this way. One of my favorite and most rewarding ways to be of service is through offering one-on-one mentorships. This year, one of my students who completed the deep dive mentorship is the incredible Branwen Schaub. She recently launched her astrology practice, and I highly recommend her services. She is incredibly intuitive andinsightful. Her offerings includeboth tarot and astrology readings. Below you will see a breathtaking photograph of her taken on the Sagittarius Full Moon last month. In addition, I am excited toannounce that this September I will be collaborating with Taurus Ashley River, author of Tending to the Sacred. We will be hosting an in-person Day Retreat in Portland, Oregon. All of the details of the event and how to sign-up will be announced in my next newsletter in two weeks on the Leo New Moon (July 28). Ashley recently posted about the Capricorn Full Moon on her instagram and I really resonated with what she wrote. Perhaps you'll check it out. Also, I enjoyed a recent post on aging by spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson (Marianne is a Cancer Sun with a Capricorn Moon – the same combo as the energy of this Capricorn Full Moon). She posted a video of her from afar walking along the ocean. The first sentence of her post read, "I took a long walk with God along the beach on my 70th birthday yesterday." Cancer is the connection to the ocean, reflection and memory. Capricorn is the connection to aging and the long walk with God. I hope you are able to carve out space this Cancer season to allow for deep contemplation and rest.If you are in need of a sacred container for reflection,it would be an absolute honor and joy to hold space for you through anastrology or tarot reading. Blessings to you on this Capricorn Full Moon. LINKS About Jeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot...

Cancer New Moon I rest. I feel. I nurture. Tuesday, June 28,2022 7:52pm PST 7º 23' Black Moon Lilith in Cancer April 14, 2022 – January 8, 2023 *Disclaimer – Some of the themes of Black Moon Lilith may be very sensitive. Please listen with care. NEW OFFERING! Community Support Group Black Moon Lilith Workshop Download Fools Journey Online ______________________________________________________ OTHER LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

Happy Cancer Season and Solstice Blessings to you. In this episode we explore the invitation of Cancer and check-in with an energy update with the week of June 21 – June 27, 2022 NEW OFFERINGS!! Community Support Group for Spiritual & Wellness Practitioners The first-ever Portland Fools Tarot Journey! Fools Journey Online ______________________________________________________ OTHER LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

Sagittarius Full Moon I expand. I envision. I set myself free. On the latestepisode of Cosmic Cousins,explore the invitation of theSagittariusFull Moon. Enjoy ritual, tarot connections and a meditation for embodied health. In addition, Happy Pride Month! I am so grateful to be out and gay! On thelatest episode of the podcast wehonor gay icon Judy Garland, her life and 100th birthday, by looking at her Birth Chart and talking about her life. I hope you are able to celebrate this month in some way. Big love to all the LGBTQIA2S+ cousins out there! Sagittarius Full Moon Affirmation: I put my faith in something greater than myself. I lovingly let go of control. ︎ Sagittarius Full Moon Tuesday, June 14,2022 4:51am PST 23º 25' NEW OFFERINGS!! The first-ever Portland Fools Tarot Journey! Fools Journey Online Community Support Group for Spiritual & Wellness Practitioners ______________________________________________________ OTHER LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse I harness. I release. I transform. In this episode we cover: Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces Scorpio Full Moon Square Saturn-Vesta in Aquarius Scorpio Full Moon conjunct South Node of Fate ScorpioFull Moon Affirmation:I release the past with joy. ︎ ScorpioFull Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse Sunday, May 15,2022 9:14pm PST 25º 18' Then, in honor of Scorpio's connection to transformation, reflection and rebirth, enjoy a deep conversation with Eryn Johnson, host of the podcast Living Open and author of the poetry collectionMoon Sign– "a story of death and rebirth". ______________________________________________________ OTHER LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

Taurus New Moon – Solar Eclipse I stabilize. I empower. I love. Eclipse Season is upon us! This is the time of the year when we are offered opportunities to grow and evolve. With the North Node in Taurus we are being invited to trust our intuition when it comes to our desires. Stay connected to what brings you pleasure. Listen to yourbody's wisdom. If able, spend time alone and in nature to ground. Reconnect to the Earth. Come back to your source of inner-security. Now is the time for a new level of embodiment. On this Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse eclipse enjoy a conversation with embodiment teacher Adriana Rizzolo (Taurus Sun. Pisces Venus) we explore shame, pleasure, joy, beauty,poetry and more. In addition, Uranus is bringing it this Taurus Season!There are a 2 new episodes of Cosmic Cousins available! And 2 new episodes of me on other podcasts! As far as Cosmic Cousins, I am trying out a new format. Instead of releasing 2 hour long episodes, I will be breaking up the same content offering into smaller episodes. I hope this makes it easier for you to digest. I recently had the pleasure of being invited on theThe Magic Spark podcast (hosted by my new friend "wellness witch" Tandy Gutierrez). In our conversationwe dive deep into themagic, messaging and healing of Black Moon Lilith.If you are interested in learning more about this placement andher recent ingress into Cancer, I highly encourage you to check this podcast episode out! And finally, I was offered the immense honor of being on the Modern Witches podcast! Join Casey Zabala and me at a digital altar for an inspiring conversation. We chat about our relationship to magic and our tarot practice, as well as dive into the upcoming eclipse charts for both the Taurus New Moon and Scorpio Full Moon. This conversation is available both on YouTube and as aPodcast. Updates: I have had a few people ask me if I am offering readings in person in Portland, Oregon. Right now, I do not currently have a space set up for in person readings. Hopefully, at some point in the near future, I mayteam up with a healing center here in Portland to offer readings in person. If and when that ever happens, I will be sure to announce it in a newsletter and on the podcast. In the meantime, I am offering bothastrology or tarot readingsover Zoom video. It would be an honor to connect with you in that way. In addition, there are a few spots open for one-on-one Summer mentorships. If you are interested in learning more, please email me at LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

Hey Cosmic Cousins, Happy Taurus Season to you! This is a special episode of Cosmic Cousins. I start out talking about the significance of Uranus in Taurus and this current Eclipse Season. Then, I am joined by Spiritual Gayz Angel Lopez & Brandon Alter. In our conversation we talk about: – Taurus, Cher and Elephants – Uranus Oppositions and Animal Visitations – Taurus and Animal Medicine – Taurus North Node and Scorpio South Node – Taurus New Moon –RuPaul’s Drag Race. *We look at the final 5 drag queen's (from season 14) birth charts. LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

On thisepisode of Cosmic Cousins,explore the invitation of the Libra Full Moon (and all this Pisces energy) guided meditation. Then, in honor of Libra's connection to partnerships and collaborations, enjoy a conversation with duo Heidi Rose Robbins andEllen Fondiler, co-hosts to the podcast Chart Your Career. And finally, thispodcast episode is rounded out with an Energy Updateon the Astro Weather for April 16 – April 30. This includes Black Moon Lilith'srecent ingress intoCancer. LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

In this episode we explore the invitation of this Aries New Moon.Then enjoy a conversation about "Karmic Ripening"with mentor and teacher Olivia Clementine (Aries Moon). And finally, I update you on the Astro Weather for April 1 – April 16. To support the production of the show, please consider becoming a Patreon supporter. In additon, please check out and support the song the song “Venus in Aquarius”. LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

On this episode of Cosmic Cousins we explore the invitation of this Virgo Full Moon. Then I update you on the Astro Weather for March 18 – 31.And finally, the episode is rounded out in honor of the current Venus in Aquarius transit with a cosmic conversation with@aarontalkstoomuchand @audzinhathe creators of my new favorite anthem for this month, the song “Venus in Aquarius”.You’re gonna love it! LINKS Sign-up forMailing List + Newsletter Patreonfor Cosmic Cousins Podcast:iTunes,Spotify, orPodbean. AboutJeff Hinshaw Astrology Mentorship AstrologyReading Tarot Healing Session

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