Our Hen House
1h 24min2022 JUN 11


Christopher Sebastian has a lot to say about what animals need from us and how we could all do better in working to change the world, and we are pretty sure you will want to listen. One of the most thoughtful contemporary commentators on how our relationship with animals has gone so far astray, he joins the podcast this week for a discussion about the intersections of racism and speciesism, and so much more. We delve into some of the shortcomings of the animal rights "movement," and the crucial work of recognizing the work and leadership of people of the global majority in changing the world for animals. Christopher also shares overlaps between the movements for LBGTQ rights and animal rights, and we reflect on whether queer folk should be more sensitive toward animal protection. Christopher Sebastian is a technical writer, journalist, and digital media researcher. He is the director of social media for Peace Advocacy Network, a senior fellow at Sentient Media, and former guest lect...
