Our Hen House

Our Hen House

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Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan co-host the dynamic weekly Our Hen House Podcast, which highlights movement leaders and grassroots changemakers, artists, writers, chefs, entrepreneurs, politicians, business folk, and more—and provides inspiration and hope for anyone and everyone who cares about animals. The podcast has been honored several times as a “Webby Award Honoree.”

Monica Engebretson is working to end cruel animal testing practices, and this week, she joins the podcast for an in-depth conversation about the state of medical and cosmetic animal testing. The North American Head of Public Affairs for Cruelty Free International, Monica breaks down how the global organization is working to bring an end to animal testing worldwide. Plus, she explains the difference between animal research and animal testing, the most cogent arguments for its ineffectiveness,and the existing non-animal alternatives. She also gives us an overview of animal research and testing in the United States and discusses various legislative and regulatory initiatives on behalf of animals trapped in labs. Monica Engebretson is the North American Head of Public Affairs for Cruelty Free International – an organization working to end animal testing worldwide. Monica has worked in the field of animal protection since 1999 with a range of experience, including fieldwork, undercover ...

Jane Velez-Mitchell is a media powerhouse known for speaking up for animals, and today, we welcome her back to the podcast for a conversation about UnchainedTV, the free streaming platform committed to amplifying vegan, animal rights content. In our conversation, Jane explains how people can access this critical content worldwide, why she decided to make it available free of charge, and the metaphor behind the UnchainedTV name. She also shares the details of how the new network came to develop the world’s first reality show starring a family of pigs, Pig Little Lies, and why she believes the show has become wildly popular. We also discuss her focus on climate change and the importance of sharing animal rights content beyond our vegan bubbles and making sure it reaches as many people as possible. Jane Velez-Mitchell is a nationally known TV journalist, best-selling author, and founder and Managing Editor of UnchainedTV. She is the winner of four Genesis awards and commendations from...

Visual artist and author Linnea Ryshke joins the podcast for a conversation about her recent book, Kindling, a collection of poems and mixed media artwork inspired by the artist’s difficult, but instructive, experience working as a laborer at an organic meat farm. During the conversation, Linnea outlines what she initially hoped to gain by working there and describes her day-to-day life on the "farm," including the difficult, and disagreeable, roles she was asked to take on. The artist also shares why the term “activist art” doesn’t describe her creative work most accurately, the role her art serves in the context of animal protection, and the ethics behind creating images of animals. Linnea Ryshke creates paintings, drawings, artist books, installations, and poetry that seek to restore the value of nonhuman animals as kindred beings worthy of our adoration, respect, and empathy. She received her B.F.A. in Painting from Pratt Institute and M.F.A. in Visual Art from Washington Un...

The multi-talented Zach Sherwin joins the podcast this week for a can’t-miss conversation about using comedy, rap, and wordplay to make the world a better place for animals. Zach explains how he incorporates his vegan ethos into each of his artistic endeavors while taking care not to isolate his audience. Plus, he gives us a behind-the-scenes look into his epic duck rap saga and shares how he came to know, and save, Brutus the duck. We look at the entertainment world at large, and Zach discusses whether people’s attitudes toward veganism have changed in the 20 years he's been vegan. He also tells us about The Crossword Show, the famous vegans who have played the game, and what having had one of his crossword puzzles published in The New York Times means to him. Zach Sherwin is a Los Angeles-based comedian and the creator and host of The Crossword Show, in which a celebrity guest panel solves a crossword puzzle live onstage in front of an audience. The Crossword Show has toured on ...

Eva Haifa Giraud joins us on the podcast this week for a conversation about her recent book, Veganism: Politics, Practice, and Theory. In our discussion, we deep dive into the constraints of veganism within a capitalist system, what this means for activism, and whether capitalism itself is putting veganism at risk. Eva elaborates on veganism’s political, activist roots and how they have historically created new paths of communication within communities that lead to debate regarding ethics, animal rights, and how the world at large treats animals. She also explains why she believes adopting a universal definition of veganism could be detrimental and breaks down how it might uproot veganism from specific social and national constructs. Eva Haifa Giraud is a senior lecturer in Digital Media & Society at the University of Sheffield. She is interested in how activists negotiate tensions associated with the media platforms they use, particularly the challenges posed by social media. Her ...

Christopher Sebastian has a lot to say about what animals need from us and how we could all do better in working to change the world, and we are pretty sure you will want to listen. One of the most thoughtful contemporary commentators on how our relationship with animals has gone so far astray, he joins the podcast this week for a discussion about the intersections of racism and speciesism, and so much more. We delve into some of the shortcomings of the animal rights "movement," and the crucial work of recognizing the work and leadership of people of the global majority in changing the world for animals. Christopher also shares overlaps between the movements for LBGTQ rights and animal rights, and we reflect on whether queer folk should be more sensitive toward animal protection. Christopher Sebastian is a technical writer, journalist, and digital media researcher. He is the director of social media for Peace Advocacy Network, a senior fellow at Sentient Media, and former guest lect...

Author, science communicator, and climate interpreter A.E. Copenhaver joins the podcast this week for a conversation about her recent debut novel, My Days of Dark Green Euphoria. A.E.’s book follows the flawed, eco-anxious Cara as she crosses paths with Millie, her boyfriend’s mom who represents everything Cara is against. In our conversation, A.E. tells us why she decided to make Cara far from perfect, and how this helps make the book’s theme of animal and environmental advocacy more accessible. We also discuss other themes in the book, including why A.E. highlights self care as a form of pleasure to help counter the violence activists often come across in their lines of work. Plus, the author shares how winning the Siskiyou Prize for New Environmental Literature helped get her manuscript out to as wide an audience as possible and why that was important to her. A.E. Copenhaver is a writer, editor, science communicator, and climate interpreter. She’s worked in the environmental ...

David Casselman is paving the way for a new era of media, and he joins us on the podcast this week for an in depth conversation about Ecoflix, the world’s first not-for-profit media group committed to helping animals and the planet. The philanthropist explains how the platform aims to provide its viewers with inspiring, educational content relating to animals that, in turn, financially supports the very animals featured. We also discuss the environment, and David emphasizes the devastating impact climate change has on all animals and how Ecoflix shines a light on the subject matter. Plus, he tells us how Ecoflix ensures that its partners’ values align with the media group’s overarching purpose of saving animals and protecting the planet. David Casselman is a philanthropist, a trained psychologist, and a trial lawyer. After a 42-year career trying cases, writing, and teaching law in Los Angeles, David moved full time into his area of passion: saving animals. As a lawyer, he provid...

The inimitable Dash Meizler joins the podcast this week from Kampala, Uganda, for a truly inspiring conversation about leveraging our activism to better advocate for animal rights and marginalized communities. Founder of the Podrska Foundation, Dash outlines how the organization is fighting for farmed animals while empowering women, providing schools with vegan meals, fighting poverty through home-based vegetable gardens, and more. The Ugandan activist also tells us about his upbringing on a poultry farm and shares the moment his life trajectory changed forever, ultimately leading him down the path of animal activism, veganism, and humanitarianism. Fahd Kharim Ssevume, commonly known as Dash Meizler, is an accomplished humanitarian and founder of the Podrska Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to creating a world of equity, compassion, and justice by supporting vulnerable people and improving their day-to-day lives.Dash’s projects address immediate needs and have the long-term goal o...

The remarkable Gwendolyn Church joins the podcast this week for an awe-inspiring conversation about Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary, the aquatic animal sanctuary she founded, based in Reno, NV. Gwendolyn tells the tale of Philip, the betta fish that changed the trajectory of her life and inspired the sanctuary. This passionate animal activist also discusses the misconceptions around fish sentience and explains why humans must reframe their thinking when it comes to caring for aquatic animals. Shining a light on the horrors that farmed and wild-caught fishes destined for the pet trade face, she tells us why she is so committed to rescuing all types of fish. We also discuss how Friends of Philip is navigating, and funding, the process of becoming a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing, and caring for, aquatic animals. Gwendolyn Church runs Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary, an aquatic animal sanctuary, and rescue in Reno, Nevada. Friends of Philip aims to expand the rescue co...

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