1h 10min2022 APR 6


If you’re a founder of a company whose purpose is to tell the story of other companies… how do you tell the story of your own company… and your own story? Jim Garrison : And who killed the President? David Ferrie : Oh man, why don't you fuckin' stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin' big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It's a mystery! It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin' shooters don't even know! Don't you get it? -- JFK; 1991, written and directed by Oliver Stone Okay… that is completely out of context, but focus on the last couple of lines and take a walk with me… One of the hardest things to do in cybersecurity is get your message out in a way that people understand Let’s go back to the Jared Vennett quote from The Big Short (yes they even made a book out of it) Yeah, you got a soundbite you repeat so you don't sound dumb, but come on… What do you do when your tech is so good, so cutting edge, so relevant… and so hard to get people to understand? You go find the people who specialize in storytelling… and have them craft your story Today Matt Stephenson welcomes Laurie Donato and Ruben Lopez, the founders of nez&pez, a Charlotte based PR & Advertising company for a chat about going down the rabbit hole when it comes to being a startup. When your calling is to help others build their own brand… how do you build your copmany’s brand? How do you build your own personal brand? And… as a founder… can you even take time for yourself to just be… yourself? Dig it. About nez&pez nez&pez is a A Charlotte based company focusing on Cybersecurity, Branding, Advertising, Promotional Ideas and Buzz generating Ideas. They are Internationally awarded for their work including multiple Radio Mercury Awards, multiple The One Show awards, Canne Lions (yes… as in the Cannes Film Festival, as well as Clio and Effie Awards. Laurie Donato Laurie Donato is a co-founder at nez&pez. She is a pioneer of the imagination, on an exploration of the mind. Laurie is willing to go where no one has gone before where is always in search of the perfect idea. She has 20 years in the world of marketing and advertising with clients running the gamut from cybersecurity to big restaurant chains to freight hauling. Ruben Lopez Ruben Lopez is a co-founder at nez&pez. He gets inspired by striving for big disruptive ideas that move the needle. That is what gets him up every morning… seizing every opportunity to do kick ass work for any and all brands that have the courage to get noticed He has 20 years in the marketing and advertising world with clients running from to the steel industry, big fruit conglomeratesas well as utitlities About Matt Stephenson My name is Matt Stephenson (@packmatt73) and I have hosted podcasts, videos and live events all over the world which put me with experts on every corner of the cybersecurity landscape. pm73media is my first solo endeavor. On this platform and others to come, I will continue to expand upon the tradition we started with the Insecurity podcast as I seek out the leading minds in the tech industry and beyond. I am always looking for fun people who may break things every now and again. In 20 years in the ecosystem of Data Protection and Cybersecurity I have toured the world extolling the virtues of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how, when applied to information security, these technologies can wrong-foot the bad guys. Whether in person, live virtual events or podcasting, I get to interview interesting people doing interesting things all over the world of technology and the extended world of hacking. Sometimes, that means hacking elections or the coffee supply chain... other times that means social manipulation or the sovereign wealth fund of a national economy. Wherever I go, my job is all about talking with the people who bui...
