1h 13min2022 MAY 27


“I’m like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one, you know, I just do…things.” -- The Joker, The Dark Knight, 2008, Jonathon and Christopher Nolan Matt Stephenson welcomes Chris Humphreys to pm73media. How does a nice boy from Metro Washington DC start playing pro football (or soccer for you heathens) in England, then move on to multiple other international squads before landing in the United States Army as a linguist with a focus on security? After that... how does he become a leading expert for state and national cybersecurity initiatives? And just how many Pulp Fiction references can they make in a single show? Dig it... About Chris Humphreys Chris Humphreys (@CBHumphreys) is the Founder and CEO of The Anfield Group Inc. which provides cybersecurity, regulatory, and technological strategic advisement to all Critical Infrastructure sectors. He is an internationally recognized thought leader and evangelist in the industry verticals of Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Intelligence Operations, Data Privacy and Regulatory Compliance. With over 20 years of experience, Chris has written National-Level policy on cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection as well as served as the first Cyber Regulator for Electric Utilities within the Texas Region and across North America. Chris has provided testimony for both the Senate and House of Rep on Data Privacy regulation and as a Legislative Advisor for Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Regulation. About Matt Stephenson My name is Matt Stephenson (@packmatt73) and I have hosted podcasts, videos and live events all over the world which put me with experts on every corner of the cybersecurity landscape. pm73media is my first solo endeavor. On this platform and others to come, I will continue to expand upon the tradition we started with the Insecurity podcast as I seek out the leading minds in the tech industry and beyond. I am always looking for fun people who may break things every now and again. In 20 years in the ecosystem of Data Protection and Cybersecurity I have toured the world extolling the virtues of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and how, when applied to information security, these technologies can wrong-foot the bad guys. Whether in person, live virtual events or podcasting, I get to interview interesting people doing interesting things all over the world of technology and the extended world of hacking. Sometimes, that means hacking elections or the coffee supply chain... other times that means social manipulation or the sovereign wealth fund of a national economy. Wherever I go, my job is all about talking with the people who build, manage or wreck the systems that we have put in place to make the world go round... If you tuned in to any of my previous podcasts, there’s great news…! pm73media is here! I will be bringing the same kind of energy and array of guests you know and love. Best part? We’re still at the same spot. You can find it at Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music & Audible as well as GooglePlay, Gaana, Himalaya, I Heart Radio and wherever you get your podcasts! Make sure you Subscribe, Rate and Review!
