Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses-Critical Thinkers » Critical Thought Podcast
1h 21min2022 MAY 25


#exjw #JehovahWitness #exjwcriticalthinker You've no doubt heard of the term PIMO which means Physically In, Mentally Out. This is how Jehovah's Witnesses that are trapped in the religion but no longer believe it is the truth but they remain in the congregation because they do not want to lose their family. Justin's PIMO story is much more than that because he was literally in survival mode while pretending to be a Jehovah's Witness. His entire livelihood was in danger if the brothers at the Kingdom Hall really knew how he felt about the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society. In fact, he was facing the possibility of losing his job because not only the owner of the company, but approximately 80% of the staff were all Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, if Justin were to leave the religion, he may as well be quitting his job too. It is interesting how Jehovah's Witnesses may seem to feel slighted because people do not want to deal with them and their religious beliefs. Yet, when it is conven...
