Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses-Critical Thinkers » Critical Thought Podcast

Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses-Critical Thinkers » Critical Thought Podcast

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The "Critical Thought" presents topics that will challenge you to use critical thinking as you examine the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. As former teachers and members of Watchtower theology, the group known as JW.org, we have insider information to raise public awareness. Most important, we know the psychological tactics the organization uses to lure unsuspecting converts into believing its deceptive teachings.Our intent is not to bash the organization’s religious practices. We are merely conduits, sharing information about the group’s motives and operation. We are dedicated to dispelling the group’s false teachings that they plant in the minds of “the fallen.”As former members of this group, we understand how an enormous burden befalls those members who cannot maintain the pace—a burden of shame, fear, obligation and guilt, judgment and condemnation; accusations of unappreciativeness, spiritual weakness, and the inability to truly love God. Carrying this burden eventually takes its toll. We know many members who expressed a desire to leave the group. But they stayed because they feared losing close relationships with family and longtime friends. So, they put up a front, feigning their zealous commitment as faithful members of the organization. Many struggled—and continue to struggle— to maintain this charade, denying their true feelings. Their friendships are conditional, based on whether they continue as members in the organization. All the while, the leaders pretend that they are part of a big, happy family and convince members to stay the course because the end to our terrible world conditions is around the corner. If through our platform, we help a single person in anguish over his or her inability to live up to the group’s standards—unattainable standards that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Bible or loving God— or prevent unsuspecting victims from joining the group, or assist public educators to better understand their pupils, or help to mend broken family relationships, or motivate individuals to see the need to further their education – we will have succeeded.

In this episode, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses shared an analogy on the world wide platform asking a very pointed question about little babies comparing them to little angels or enemies of God. We discuss the ramifications of what this means in the Jehovah's Witness community and how it will no doubt play out in the lives of the members of this group.Support the show

Recently, we received an email from an anesthesiologist discussing his experience with Jehovah's Witnesses secretly taking blood. In this podcast, we discuss the situation with Jehovah's Witnesses and how our guest, Shauna, was faced with this dilemma. Find out how she and her family handled their situation in this podcast. ********************* Begin Email message from anesthesiologist: Hello. I found you guys on the Internet. I’m a[n] anesthesiologist. I have a question for you. What percentage of those witnesses would take a blood transfusion if it could be absolutely guaranteed where no one will ever find out? I have had several patients that in the operating room, I asked them before going to sleep if they would receive blood. They have said ‘no blood’ in the presence of family in the preoperative area. However when alone in the operating room with no family members around, they have said that they will, in fact, accept blood in the operating room as long as nobody finds out...

The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses stakes claims that they are Gods Spokesmen. Check out this quote from their 2013 Watchtower: "At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." November 15, 2013 Watchtower, p.20Listen to The Bearded Mystic Podcast Creating a community to deepen our understanding of Non-Duality in Hinduism Listen on: Apple Podcasts SpotifySupport the show

If you know the history behind the Jehovah's Witness religion, you are well aware of how it feels being at odds with the beliefs once you realize it is not the truth. Many JW's are in a quandary where they have to fake it just to survive. That is what being a PIMO is all about. It is an acronym for Physically In, Mentally Out. To further explain, it's all about pretending to believe so that you don't lose your family and social structure. The term PIMO was coined several years ago to identify the growing number of individuals that are trapped in the religion for one reason or another. Because of the strict shunning policy, Jehovah's Witnesses realize they can lose everything if they allow others to know how they truly feel about the organization. They stand to lose their marriage, job, friends, home, and anything else that connects them to a person that holds the cards to any situation as it relates to their livelihood. This podcast delves into the lives of members at the world head...

Meet Jonathan, a former Jehovah's Witness that realized something was wrong with the teachings long before he learned the truth behind the organization. As he states in this interview, things just did not sit right. He knew something was amiss, but could not pinpoint the issues. If you have questions about his experience or may be able to relate to him and want to reach out, Jonathan can be reached at SpookMaster35@outlook.com. Please consider supporting our work on Patreon Listen to The Bearded Mystic Podcast Creating a community to deepen our understanding of Non-Duality in Hinduism Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Drippings from the Honeycomb: The sweetness of God’s Word one verse at a time. Do you think Bible is boring? Perhaps you need a fresh look and a new perspective... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Anita Chat Anita Chat is the podcast for growth-oriented goal-getter women looking to level up! Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Smells Like Humans Like spending time with...

#exjw #JehovahWitness #exjwcriticalthinker You've no doubt heard of the term PIMO which means Physically In, Mentally Out. This is how Jehovah's Witnesses that are trapped in the religion but no longer believe it is the truth but they remain in the congregation because they do not want to lose their family. Justin's PIMO story is much more than that because he was literally in survival mode while pretending to be a Jehovah's Witness. His entire livelihood was in danger if the brothers at the Kingdom Hall really knew how he felt about the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society. In fact, he was facing the possibility of losing his job because not only the owner of the company, but approximately 80% of the staff were all Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, if Justin were to leave the religion, he may as well be quitting his job too. It is interesting how Jehovah's Witnesses may seem to feel slighted because people do not want to deal with them and their religious beliefs. Yet, when it is conven...

How to Reach VEVIAN VOZMEDIANOFacebookInstagramYouTubeWebsite ABOUT VEVIAN Learning how to live after leaving or getting disfellowshipped from the Jehovah's Witnesses is a challenging journey. It destroys your whole approach to life. It's like the rug gets pulled out from under you in every way because the organization defined everything about your life. It defined who you were, what you believed in, your relationships, your purpose in life, your view of the world, your view of the future, and your view on what happened to us after we die. Being part of it is how you made sense of the world. As a Jehovah's Witness, you were taught to be "no part of this world." The religion made you believe that it was only "Jehovah's people" who had "the truth". I'm here to tell you otherwise. When Jesus said, "the truth will set you free," he was speaking of your OWN truth. Living your truth means that you unapologetically embrace who you are and present that true self to the world. Your authentic...

What does it mean to be a PIMO? The acronym stands for Physically In, Mentally Out. It is a term that is used for individuals that no longer believe in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses but they are unable to leave for fear of shunning. THE GROWING NUMBER OF PIMO'S IS ASTOUNDING. We receive countless emails from individuals waking up all over the world. It is amazing how the Internet has been a game changer for many people and they are receiving a confirmation by going online and meeting up with likeminded individuals learning the real truth about the Watchtower. Do not allow fear to keep you from knowledge. You should always continue searching for information and knowledge. Never allow an organization to hi-jack your mind and keep you from living your life to the fullest. Never does the scriptures tell people to stop living for a future date.Listen to The Bearded Mystic Podcast Creating a community to deepen our understanding of Non-Duality in Hinduism Listen on: Apple Podcasts ...

You can visit Amira aka Tuffryda at the link below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCROI7_fBzYBC4wmJZS3Cs6Q In this episode, Amira discusses what it was like growing up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and the difficulties she faced in school. Neither one of her parents were baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses, but Amira's mother was born and raised in the religion. Her mother, a person that didn't accept the religion as her own, allowed her mother to instill the beliefs in her daughter. Amira tells her story about what it was like navigating her educational pursuits and the difficulties she faced trying to decide whether or not she should attend college. Mainly, because her Jehovah's Witness family didn't encourage higher education, but her academic advisors were telling her to move forward with her interests in learning. Of course, no one talks about how much it costs to go to a four year university. So, in this episode, Amira helps other young people her age to understand the difficult...

Listen to The Bearded Mystic Podcast Creating a community to deepen our understanding of Non-Duality in Hinduism Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Drippings from the Honeycomb: The sweetness of God’s Word one verse at a time. Do you think Bible is boring? Perhaps you need a fresh look and a new perspective... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Anita Chat Anita Chat is the podcast for growth-oriented goal-getter women looking to level up! Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Smells Like Humans Like spending time with funny friends talking about curious human behavior. Listen on: Apple Podcasts SpotifySupport the show

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