Sex Ed for the Modern Bed Show
31min2020 APR 10


For the third time in a row we are pausing our regularly scheduled shows to bring you this special live instead. We decided that until we are able to resume our show and get our "Lifestyle Life" back on track, we would instead do a live series called Weed & Wine Wednesday's. We love our weed, Taara loves her wine and we thought this would be a great way to stay virtually connected with our community! For our show this week we wanted to give everyone a update of what we have been going through with Sex Uninterrupted. Unfortunately we have been targeted for have overly sexy content on some of the platforms we use (which is true to some degree!) and this has brought up a lot of challenges, emotions and change for us. Enduring this on top of everything else that is going on in the world hasn't been easy and we wanted to share with our listeners what it's like to experience depression and grief, how this can impact your partner(s) and offer suggestions to help you get through tough times...
