IIEA Talks
1h 2min2022 JUN 15
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Ahead of Bloomsday on the 100th anniversary of Ulysses, and of Irish independence, this event explores the European and international dimensions of James Joyce’s novel and the myriad visions of Ireland’s place in the world, which then as now occurred during great turbulence and uncertainty in the world. This anniversary also marks 100 years of Irish independence, as well as 50 years since Irish accession to the European Union. About the Speakers: Anne Fogarty is Full Professor and Director of the Centre for James Joyce Studies at UCD, and an expert on the historical context of Ulysses and on 20th century Irish modernism and contemporary fiction. Her latest publication is on Modernism, Memory and the Biographical Impulse in James Joyce Remembered (2022 Edition). Daniel Mulhall is the current Ambassador of Ireland to the United States since 2017, and formerly served as Ambassador in London, as well as Director-General for European Affairs in the Department of Foreign Affairs. He is also an authority on Irish history and literature, having co-edited the The Shaping of Modern Ireland: A Centenary Assessment (2016) and written the recently published Ulysses: A Reader’s Odyssey (2022).

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