IIEA Talks
1h 0min2022 JUL 9
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In this increasingly unpredictable, fragile and shock-prone international context, Governor Carlo Monticelli reflects on the role of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) in supporting its 42 member countries and in deepening social cohesion in Europe. On the eve of the Joint Annual Meeting of the CEB, which will be held in Dublin this year, Mr Monticelli reviews the bank’s primary features, responsibilities, and challenges, in conversation with IIEA Director General David O’Sullivan. About the Speaker: Carlo Monticelli was elected Governor of the CEB on 11 June 2021 after serving for six years as Vice-Governor for Financial Strategy. He began his five-year mandate on 18 December 2021. Before joining the CEB, Carlo Monticelli worked for more than a decade at the Italian Treasury, representing Italy in international fora and institutions, including at the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Carlo Monticelli served previously on the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank and the Italian Export Credit Insurance Agency (SACE). Before joining the Treasury, Carlo Monticelli was Head of European Economics at Deutsche Bank, London, and Deputy Director in the Research Department at the Bank of Italy. Carlo Monticelli, holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Ancona and a M.Sc. in economics from the University of York, and he has carried out postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford. He has been a visiting professor at the International Economics Department of the Graduate Institute in Geneva and a visiting scholar at MIT.

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