How a lifelong churchgoing stripper encountered the Holy Spirit and was completely transformed: Jennifer Miles' Testimony
Gay Male Stripper encounters God in a moment of suicidal hopelessness after exhausting every worldly pleasure he could fathom: Testimony of Samuel Perez
1h 16minFormer pro-Israeli basketball player encounters Jesus when He saves him from nearly dying during a shroom overdose. Never grew up in church, he seeks out a church during the pandemic and is saved, discipled, and baptized. The testimony of John H
1h 31minDevout Korean Buddhist literally sacrifices himself to Buddha. He ends up in Hell, but is saved from Hell by Jesus and later becomes a pastor: Steve Kang's Testimony
1h 0minRadically saved at 12. Goes on a 40 day fast at 12, begins preaching on the streets and in bars at 13, and launched into full time ministry at 19: Joshua Carvalho's Testimony
1h 26minAfter attending church every Sunday for 35 years, he understands the Gospel for the first time and is born again at an evangelism training seminar in his Catholic church: James Abraham's Testimony
30minNew Age Environmental Activist hears God's voice in near-death experience at Burning Man: Casey Uggen's Testimony
1h 10minAtheist Ethiopian successful businessman surrenders to God after years of persistent prayer and witnessing from his family: Eden Tesema's Testimony
44minHow a lifelong churchgoing stripper encountered the Holy Spirit and was completely transformed: Jennifer Miles' Testimony
1h 22min