Jeff grew up in a family of drug addicts. His mom gave him weed at age 5, he started taking LSD and cocaine at age 9, and became a drug addict and alcoholic at an early age. After meeting some strange people who actually cared about him and showed him the love of God he started attending a Christian meeting. After a year of going to the meetings as an atheist, he gave his life to Christ and experienced the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Allen grew up nominally Lutheran in the Midwest. Although he identified as Christian his entire life, he was addicted to porn, sex, and drinking. He tried multiple times to be set free from his sexual addictions by becoming more dedicated to religion, but religion never changed him. Allen married Jen, who was a stripper, and after Jen survived a traumatic experience she encountered the Holy Spirit. Through his wife's radical conversion, Allen's life and faith was challenged until he too had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and was forever changed. Allen and Jen are now full time missionaries with Pioneers and are planning to be missionaries to an unreached Muslim people group in Senegal.