The Mortuary
3min2020 MAY 1


Hello, friends. New ones and old ones. As you already know, this is Broc, your host of horror for the last two years. I have an announcement of sorts that I need to share with you all today. As of now, The Mortuary podcast will be taking hiatus. This is something that I have been struggling with doing because I love this podcast but more importantly I love you, listener. All the support and the community that has been built through this show is something that I have worked extremely hard to cultivate and nurture. However, as life often does, curveballs have been thrown from every direction. It has become apparent with Tanner's stepping down that this show isn't the same. And while that is okay, I feel like I need more time to figure out the restructuring of the podcast. Ever since he told me that he would be stepping down, I feel like I've been in this constant scramble with The Mortuary. I don't think that it's fair to you, listener. The last thing I want to do is produce some half-hearted show for the sake of sticking to a content schedule. Up until this point, I feel like the show has been doing okay, trying to adjust to this new flow. But as many of you know, my wife, Sarah, is pregnant. Pregnancies have never been easy for Sarah. In fact, they've all been outright miserable. But she is the strongest person I know and can somehow smile through it all and still be herself the majority of the time. For the sake of my family's privacy and to keep this brief, last week we had a big scare with the pregnancy and had to rush to the hospital. Thankfully, Sarah and our baby are okay and it looks like things are back on track. However, this has forced both of us to rebalance the priorities in our lives to ensure the health and safety of Sarah and our unborn child. The whirlwind of Tanner leaving mixed with our pregnancy on top of just regular life and graduate school are the reasons for this hiatus. My goal is to always be transparent with you. I don't know when The Mortuary will resume but I can tell you that I am hoping for this hiatus to only last about 5-6 months. I need time to find a permanent co-host and I need time to give my family as much of me as possible. I hope you can understand and I appreciate the support we've received up to this point and all future support. Patrons, this doesn't mean that there won't be any benefits for you in the following months. Please stay tuned to The Mortuary's Patreon feed for a coming announcement specifically regarding you and your perks during this weird time. If you would like to still be in contact with me and fellow listeners of The Mortuary, please consider joining our Facebook group and Discord server. You can find the links for those at Stay spooky. Stay safe. Question everything. I'll talk to y'all soon. Goodbye. --- Support this podcast:
