The Mortuary

The Mortuary

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Welcome to The Mortuary. The weekly horror podcast that offers you an immersive discourse into the occult, paranormal, and conspiracies of the world. Tune in every Friday for gruesomely terrifying episodes on true crime, serial killers, occult practices, paranormal activity, conspiracies, and everything macabre. Support this podcast:

Hello, friends. New ones and old ones. As you already know, this is Broc, your host of horror for the last two years. I have an announcement of sorts that I need to share with you all today. As of now, The Mortuary podcast will be taking hiatus. This is something that I have been struggling with doing because I love this podcast but more importantly I love you, listener. All the support and the community that has been built through this show is something that I have worked extremely hard to cultivate and nurture. However, as life often does, curveballs have been thrown from every direction. It has become apparent with Tanner's stepping down that this show isn't the same. And while that is okay, I feel like I need more time to figure out the restructuring of the podcast. Ever since he told me that he would be stepping down, I feel like I've been in this constant scramble with The Mortuary. I don't think that it's fair to you, listener. The last thing I want to do is produce some half-hearted show for the sake of sticking to a content schedule. Up until this point, I feel like the show has been doing okay, trying to adjust to this new flow. But as many of you know, my wife, Sarah, is pregnant. Pregnancies have never been easy for Sarah. In fact, they've all been outright miserable. But she is the strongest person I know and can somehow smile through it all and still be herself the majority of the time. For the sake of my family's privacy and to keep this brief, last week we had a big scare with the pregnancy and had to rush to the hospital. Thankfully, Sarah and our baby are okay and it looks like things are back on track. However, this has forced both of us to rebalance the priorities in our lives to ensure the health and safety of Sarah and our unborn child. The whirlwind of Tanner leaving mixed with our pregnancy on top of just regular life and graduate school are the reasons for this hiatus. My goal is to always be transparent with you. I don't know when The Mortuary will resume but I can tell you that I am hoping for this hiatus to only last about 5-6 months. I need time to find a permanent co-host and I need time to give my family as much of me as possible. I hope you can understand and I appreciate the support we've received up to this point and all future support. Patrons, this doesn't mean that there won't be any benefits for you in the following months. Please stay tuned to The Mortuary's Patreon feed for a coming announcement specifically regarding you and your perks during this weird time. If you would like to still be in contact with me and fellow listeners of The Mortuary, please consider joining our Facebook group and Discord server. You can find the links for those at Stay spooky. Stay safe. Question everything. I'll talk to y'all soon. Goodbye. --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, Sarah takes us to the butthole of the world and tells us about the murders of the Chessboard Killer. This serial killer is one of the most dangerous murderers of all time. Why is he called the chessboard killer? What happened to him to make him become a serial killer? Why was he born in the butthole of the world? Tune in to find out! Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 If you can’t get enough of The Mortuary and want access to weekly shows, become a $1/mo Patron of the show! It’s as easy as subscribing here! See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Sarah --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, Sarah explores the mysteries of the Alaskan Triangle. This massive area of untouched wilderness in Alaska is shrouded in mystery as unusually high numbers of planes and people go missing inside the triangle every year. What creatures and unknown forces lurk inside this frozen Bermuda triangle? From shapeshifting otters to UFO's, the rabbit hole in the center of the Alaskan Triangle is an unending one. Dive in with us as we enter another macabre episode of The Mortuary. If you would like to listen to this episode and have complete access to all future weekly episodes and other Mortuary exclusives, you can do so by becoming a Patron of any tier here. Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Sarah --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, Broc recounts the breathtakingly tragic life and murders of Mary Bell. A psychopathic child who, at the ages of 10 and 11, strangled two toddlers to death in England. What could drive a child to murder? How was so much time between the murders of two toddlers allowed to pass? Who is to really blame for the murders? Join us for another mind-bending, gut-twisting episode inside The Mortuary! Do you have have a real life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 If you can’t get enough of The Mortuary and want access to weekly shows, become a $1/mo Patron of the show! It’s as easy as subscribing here! See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Sarah Sources for this episode: --- Support this podcast:

In this Patreon exclusive episode, Broc explores the mysteries of telepathic communication specifically with twins. Is telepathic communication possible? Why are twins more prone to telepathic and psychic abilities? What am I thinking right now? Join us for another thrilling episode into the paranormal as we once again enter into The Mortuary... If you would like to listen to this episode and have complete access to all future weekly episodes and other Mortuary exclusives, you can do so by becoming a Patron of any tier here. Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Sarah --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, Sarah dissects the horrific case of the Erie Pizza Bomber. The complex plot involving a bank robbery, scavenger hunt, and homemade explosive device ended in the death of Brian Wells, a local pizza delivery driver. Brian’s death was broadcasted on live television in 2003 when the bomb locked around his neck exploded. Sarah explores the popular Netflix documentary and additional research around this case to uncover the mystery of not only who is responsible for Brian’s twisted death but the motive that sparked it. Join us for another terrifying episode as we enter into The Mortuary! Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 If you can’t get enough of The Mortuary and want access to weekly shows, become a $1/mo Patron of the show! It’s as easy as subscribing here! See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Sarah --- Support this podcast:

In this Patreon exclusive, Broc dissects the gruesome murder of Tim McLean who was publicly stabbed, beheaded, and cannibalized by Vince Li on a Greyhound bus. Li would then go on to be found “not criminally responsible” for the murder. What drove Li to commit such a violent and heinous act against his fellow man? Where is the line between mental illness and accountability? Join Broc and Sarah for another terrifying episode inside The Mortuary! If you would like to listen to this episode and have complete access to all future weekly episodes and other Mortuary exclusives, you can do so by becoming a Patron of any tier here. Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Sarah Sources for this episode: Murderpedia Review Board Report The Guardian Article Mental Illness and Accountability for Schizophrenic Behavior --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, the 100th episode of the Mortuary, Tanner says goodbye for the last time as the official co-host of the podcast. He is so grateful for all of the good times and support from listeners, but all good things have to come to end. With that being said, Tanner wanted to go out with a bang. So get ready for a deep dive into the greatest deception of all time, the biggest lie ever told, the Mother of all conspiracies, the...we’ll, you’ll just have to listen and find out! Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 If you can’t get enough of The Mortuary and want access to weekly shows, become a $1/mo Patron of the show! It’s as easy as subscribing here! See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Tanner Here are the channels and resources we discussed in this episode: Eric Dubay’s 200 Proofs PDF All Meat No Potatoes Eric Dubay Rob Skiba ODD TV DITRH (Deep Inside the Rabbit Hole) Mark Sargent Beyond the imaginary curve Nathan Thompson Woketown Celebrate Truth Richie From Boston --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, Broc explores the life of Hadden Clark, a cross-dressing, paranoid schizophrenic, cannibal killer from Maryland. Join us for another horrific episode inside The Mortuary! Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming episode: (202) 838-7689 If you can’t get enough of The Mortuary and want access to weekly shows, become a $1/mo Patron of the show! It’s as easy as subscribing here! See you ghouls and gals next time. -Broc & Tanner --- Support this podcast:

In this Patreon exclusive, Tanner explores the origins of the recent coronavirus. The pandemic that originated in China has been a hot topic with media outlets in every nation. Tanner exposes the fear porn tactics of various governments and how the recent coronavirus outbreak could be a strategy for civil obedience, population control, and more. Is the coronavirus real? Is the Communist Party of China covering up their murders of rebel leaders? Is the coronavirus as serious of a threat that mainstream media is making it out to be? Join Tanner and Broc as they examine, expose, and discuss the first potential threat to the human race fo 2020. ~ If you would like to listen to this episode and have complete access to all future weekly episodes and other Mortuary exclusives, you can do so by becoming a Patron of any tier here. Do you have have a real-life horror story or paranormal encounter? We’d love to hear from you. Comment below or give us a call and we’ll play it on an upcoming e...

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