1h 0min2021 OCT 28


Messenger of Sympathy and Love Servant of Parted Friends Consoler of the Lonely Bond of the Scattered Family Enlarger of the Common Life Carrier of News and Knowledge Instrument of Trade and Industry Promoter of Mutual Acquaintance Of Peace and of Goodwill Among Men and Nations -- Inscription found on the the Smithsonian Institution's National Postal Museum Победить и вернуться -- Motto of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Imagine being in charge of securing an enterprise comprised of over 450,000 connected devices spread over 31,000 locations worldwide. The United States Postal Service is a pretty serious organization when it comes to the amount of data that flows through its network. It would take a pretty cool individual to stand up to the daily pressure of an organization that big and that diverse. Imagine cold calling the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and asking to speak with their head of Information Security in order...
