wiredON Development Interviews
56min2018 AUG 19
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Esther is a physiotherapist from the Netherlands whose passion and energy for all things related to pediatrics is stunning. Maybe best know for her work in elastic therapeutic taping she is also keenly interested in Bindegewebsmassage (German CTM method) and scoliosis management. As past chair of IOPTP (International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Paediatrics) and international instructor and author, Esther holds a unique perspective on how therapy is and should be practiced in the world. Officially retired, Esther travels the world teaching and sharing her knowledge as a true clinician who values not only the evidence base, but the patients experience and intuitive wisdom that comes with real work in the real world. You can find handy links and more info at www.wiredondevelopment.com Enjoy!

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