wiredON Development Interviews
1h 8min2018 FEB 11
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Pia Stampe is a physical therapist who earned her doctor of Physical Therapy degree in the US and her undergrad degree from Denmark. This has given her a unique set of skills that, under the mentorship of Dr Karen Pape, she has used to develop a systematic and considered approach to delivering an intensive therapy model that is showing spectacular results for children with neuromotor difficulties. With the growing neuroscience research on the benefits of intensity for brain plasticity clashing with the diminishing funding available for therapy, I was super eager to pick her brains about the practical issues of providing this kind of a model in a paediatric practice - and I was not disappointed. Pia and Karen's approach is getting results. In this interview we get into the nitty gritty from a therapist's perspective: scheduling, funding, tools of the trade - Pia generously shares advice, tips and tricks, along with a framework that makes her intensive therapy approach easy to impleme...

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