Murder She SpokeEpisode 95: Julius Czapla
43min2022 MAY 18
Episode 95: Julius Czapla.Content Warning: This case involves the death of a child. As always, we want our listeners to look after themselves, so if you feel that this episode may be distressing for you we would advise you to possibly skip this episode or listen to another one instead. This week Emma tells the tragic story of Julius Czapla, a two-year-old boy living in Edinburgh, who was murdered by his own father.Emma describes how the breakdown of Julius' parents relationship led his father to display worrying behaviour.We hear about how Julius' father made the decision to kill his son in order to punish Julius' mother, before attempting to take his own life.We also hear how, after failing in the attempt to take his own life, Julius' father attempted to use his diminished mental state as a defence for the terrible act.Case research by Emma TaylorProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research: