Murder She Spoke

Murder She Spoke

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True crime podcast hosted by Emma Taylor and Joannagh Shanks who hail from Scotland in the United Kingdom.

Episode 99: Karen BuckleyThis week Emma tells us the story of Karen Buckley, a 24-year-old student from Ireland, who was killed in 2015 whilst living in Glasgow.We hear how the alarm was raised after Karen did not return home after a night out, something which was very out of character for her.Emma describes how the police appeals to the public resulted in crucial information being provided. This information would ultimately lead to the discovery of Karen's remains and would be vital in the case against her killer.Case research by Emma TaylorProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 98: Mary Speir Gunn.This week Joannagh brings us a mystery dating all the way back to 1913, the case of Mary Speir Gunn.We hear how, in October 1913, Mary and her family were relaxing in their secluded cottage home when suddenly a hail of bullets tore through the room, hitting all members of the family, Mary fatally so.We hear how, despite some conclusions being drawn from evidence at the scene, the lack of strong forensics at the time meant a degree of guesswork was involved in the investigation.Joannagh describes the leads that were ultimately followed in the case, some stretching as far as Saskatchewan, Canada, as well as some of the more imaginative theories put forward by investigators at the time. Case research by Joannagh ShanksProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 97: The Dunblane Massacre.Content Warning: This case involves a school shooting and the deaths of many young children. As always, we want our listeners to look after themselves, so if you feel that this episode may be distressing for you we would advise you to possibly skip this episode or listen to another one instead. This week Emma tells us of the Dunblane Massacre, one of the darkest days in modern Scottish history.On the 13th of March 1996, a class of 5 and 6-year-old children and their teachers at Dunblane Primary School were targeted by gunman Thomas Hamilton in a merciless attack which claimed the lives of 16 children and 1 teacher.We hear how the families of the victims got involved in the political fight for gun control, with legislation quickly being introduced to severely restrict the ownership of handguns in the UK.Emma talks about the lasting impact of the legislation, particularly how there have been no further school shootings since it was introduced. We also hear of the unfortunate parallels with recent incidents in the U.S and the potential lessons that could be learned from Dunblane.Case research by Emma TaylorProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 96: Steven Donaldson. This week Joannagh tells us about the case of Steven Donaldson, a 27-year-old offshore oil and gas worker from Arbroath. We hear how Steven was in the midst of a disagreement with his ex girlfriend over money and on 6 June 2018 set off to meet with her to talk the issue through.Joannagh describes how, when Steven arrived, he was ambushed and killed after a vicious and sustained attack.We hear details of the strong reactions, from various parties, to the brutal details of the attack and the lack of remorse shown by the killers, as well as the impact the ordeal has had on Steven's family.Case research by Joannagh ShanksProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 95: Julius Czapla.Content Warning: This case involves the death of a child. As always, we want our listeners to look after themselves, so if you feel that this episode may be distressing for you we would advise you to possibly skip this episode or listen to another one instead. This week Emma tells the tragic story of Julius Czapla, a two-year-old boy living in Edinburgh, who was murdered by his own father.Emma describes how the breakdown of Julius' parents relationship led his father to display worrying behaviour.We hear about how Julius' father made the decision to kill his son in order to punish Julius' mother, before attempting to take his own life.We also hear how, after failing in the attempt to take his own life, Julius' father attempted to use his diminished mental state as a defence for the terrible act.Case research by Emma TaylorProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 94: Dorothy Park. This week Joannagh tells us about the case of Dorothy Park, a 63-year-old postmistress from New Pitsligo.In 16 June 1981 Dorothy was found dead in an incident that shocked the residents of the quiet village. Seemingly the victim of a burglary gone wrong, Dorothy was found bound and gagged in her home, she had died by suffocation.Joannagh details the steps taken by the police to try and identify the perpetrators, with a team of 55 officers being assigned to the case.We hear how witness statements mentioned 2 strangers in the village on the evening of Dorothy's death, as well as a strange car travelling at speed away from the village. Additionally we hear how a reward of £5,000 (which would be about £20,000 in today’s money) was offered for information leading to an arrest.Case research by Joannagh ShanksProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 93: Kirsty Maxwell.This week Emma brings us the ongoing case of Kirsty Maxwell, a 27-year-old woman from Livingston, who died under mysterious circumstances whilst on a trip to Benidorm with friends.Emma describes how, after a night of drinking, Kirsty fell to her death from a balcony in the hotel she was staying. However the balcony was not in an apartment being rented by Kirsty or her friends.We hear how some conflicting accounts and inconsistent stories from the occupants of the apartment raised suspicions around the truth of the fall.Emma tells how failures by the Spanish Police added to concerns about the case which has led Kirsty's family to continue pursuing the truth to this day.Case research by Emma TaylorProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 92: Lynda Spence. This week Joannagh tells us the story of Lynda Spence, a 27-year-old financial adviser from Glasgow who was abducted, tortured and murdered in April 2011.We hear how Lynda's taste for the finer things in life had led to severe financial mismanagement of clients funds and left Lynda owing substantial sums of money to criminals that she had been doing business with.Joannagh describes how a group of these criminals made the decision to abduct Lynda and subject her to a 2-week-long period of torture to try and recover their money.We also hear how, despite thorough efforts by the killers to remove all evidence of the murder, there was sufficient evidence at the scene to charge them with Lynda's murder. Case research by Joannagh ShanksProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 91: Magdeline Makola.This week Emma tells us of the terrifying ordeal suffered by nurse Magdeline Makola when, in 2008, she was abducted and held in the boot of a car for approximately 10 days.We hear how her colleagues became concerned when she did not show up for her shift at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on the 18th of December 2008.Emma describes how the Police began attempting to trace Magdeline through CCTV images of her car and how, by sheer luck, 2 officers were passing the car where it had been left at a train station in Airdrie when they heard Magdeline calling for help.Case research by Emma TaylorProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:

Episode 90: Jolanta Bledaite. This week Joannagh talks us through an infamous and horrific crime from 2008, which would come to be known as the 'Head on the Beach Murder'. The victim of this barbaric crime was a 35-year-old migrant worker from Lithuania by the name of Jolanta Bledaite. We hear how Jolanta's remains were initially discovered by two young girls playing on Seagate beach in Arbroath, which led to the Police underwater search and rescue dive team searching Arbroath Harbour for further remains. Police soon had 2 men under arrest, who they suspected of murdering Jolanta for the purposes of stealing her savings. Joannagh discusses details of the trial and sentencing, as well as the public outcry into how one of the suspects was able to enter the UK when it was revealed that he had a previous conviction in Germany for manslaughter.Case research by Joannagh ShanksProduced by Emma Taylor & Joannagh ShanksEditing by Shaun O'NeillMusic by Tribe of NoiseSources of research:https:...

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