Murder, My Dude
1h 29min2022 APR 15


Back in the early days of this show, we did Dr. Death, My Dude, an episode devoted to the life and times of controversial physician Jack Kervorkian, the legendary assisted suicide advocate (well, advocate might be too weak of a term). This week, we look at a much more deadly doctor. Harold Shipman was officially convicted of 15 murders, but his actual body count was, in all likelihood, exponentially higher. What could drive someone sworn to do no harm to kill? How was he able to do it for so long? We explore the story of England’s (and perhaps the World’s) most deadly serial killer. BUT FIRST! This Week In Murder looks at an on-campus shooting just outside a popular dive bar and a triple homicide and robbery in an unlikely location. And, as always, we close it out with Who Died The Worst! --- Support this podcast:
