Murder, My Dude

Murder, My Dude

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Join hosts Jackson Welles & B.P. Burke as they take a comedic look at murders, murderers, and mur-diddly-urderers, my dude. Support this podcast:

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas in July, my dudes! Wait, I’m being told this isn’t about that Rudolph. Eric Robert Rudolph spent more than his fair share of time on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List (what, exactly, is a fair share of time on that particular list?) partially because of the heinousness of his four bombings - the most infamous of which took place at Centennial Olympic Park in the midst of the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta - and in part because his survival skills (and maybe some sympathetic locals) allowed him to elude capture for nearly a decade. This week, we look at his story. BUT FIRST! This Week in Murder takes an emergency look at the Highland Park mass shooting, a horrible discovery in a Texas Big Rig, and a domestic dispute turned armed standoff in rural Kentucky in This Week In Murder. And, as always, we finish things off with a game of Who Died The Worst! --- Support this podcast:

Murder, My Dude returns with an episode that is definitely NOT for the faint of heart. Anthony Allen Shore, also known as the Tourniquet Killer, was evil personified, and this week, we’re taking a closer look at his life, times, and deeds. If you’re easily disturbed by crimes committed against children, discretion is strongly advised. And before that! This Week in Murder takes a look at an accused killer caught by their GPS ankle monitor and one of the more disgusting places ever used to hide a body. And, as always, we finish with a game of Who Died The Worst that will make you think twice about kicking your legs in the air. Like what we're doing? Subscribe and tell a friend! Think we could do better or have some other feedback? Reach out to us! Our contact info is: TRUTH SOCIAL: @murdermydude Merch/Website: Instagram/Twitter: @murdermydude Facebook: @podcastmydude --- Support this podcast:

This week, we present a bit of a different episode of Murder, My Dude. This Week In Murder takes center stage in this one, as we take the time to explore the epidemic of mass shootings in the United States. Our previous episode was recorded mere hours after news broke of the tragic events in Uvalde, TX, but the two weeks since have provided little respite. With that in mind, we take a look at the senseless attacks that have unfolded in the wake of Uvalde. AND THEN, we move onto our annual Pride, My Dude show, where we take a look at a lesser-known, but incredibly deadly LGBT+ case: the story of the Hampton Roads Killer. And, as always, we finish with Who Died The Worst! --- Support this podcast:

The late 2002 disappearance of Laci Peterson dominated American media nearly twenty years ago. The expecting mother with the magnetic smile went missing on Christmas Eve, 2002, when she was eight months pregnant with her first child. In the ensuing weeks, attention began to gravitate to her strangely nonchalant husband, Scott. The media attention reached a fever pitch when a press conference was held where a woman admitted to having an affair with Scott, who told her he was unmarried. When Laci and her unborn son were found several months later, it started in motion a legal battle that has gathered new life very, very recently. Whether you’re old enough to remember the hysteria, or you’re hearing about it for the first time: Murder, My Dude has you covered! BUT FIRST! This week in murder covers two horrible mass shootings and a tragic double murder/suicide (not to be confused with the less common murder/double suicide) And, as always, we close it out with Who Died The Worst! Like what we're doing? Subscribe and tell a friend! Think we could do better or have some other feedback? Reach out to us! Our contact info is: Merch/Website: Instagram/Twitter: @murdermydude Facebook: @podcastmydude --- Support this podcast:

Throw on your hockey masks and get ready for Summer camp, because this episode comes out on the only Friday the 13th of 2022! And we’re observing the occasion with our first-ever episode Welsh serial killer. After decades of beatings targeted at the gay community, Peter Moore - a gay man himself - escalated to murder. The movie theater owner’s peculiar style of dress gave him the nickname The Man In Black, and his horror obsession and strange, likely false, alibi forever associated him and Jason Voorhees. In this episode, we explore his story. BUT FIRST! This Week In Murder covers a drunk-driving death involving a WWE Hall of Famer and the discovery of decades-old bodies unearthed by climate change. And, as always, we close with a rousing episode of Who Died The Worst! --- Support this podcast:

It’s a horror story that seems all too possible. A womanis murdered on the streets of New York City. 38 people witness the attack, and no one intervenes or calls for help. But in the time since the horrific murder of Kitty Genovese nearly 60 years ago, many - including Kitty’s own younger brother - have questioned the narrative of the three dozen-plus witnesses who sat idly by and let a woman die in the streets. This week, we explore the story. BUT FIRST! This Week In Murder looks at two tales of murder within families. And we end with a game of Who Died The Worst that’ll make you want to protect your neck! --- Support this podcast:

Back in the early days of this show, we did Dr. Death, My Dude, an episode devoted to the life and times of controversial physician Jack Kervorkian, the legendary assisted suicide advocate (well, advocate might be too weak of a term). This week, we look at a much more deadly doctor. Harold Shipman was officially convicted of 15 murders, but his actual body count was, in all likelihood, exponentially higher. What could drive someone sworn to do no harm to kill? How was he able to do it for so long? We explore the story of England’s (and perhaps the World’s) most deadly serial killer. BUT FIRST! This Week In Murder looks at an on-campus shooting just outside a popular dive bar and a triple homicide and robbery in an unlikely location. And, as always, we close it out with Who Died The Worst! --- Support this podcast:

This week, it’s one of our most fun, wild, twisty stories yet. Trust us - would we lie to you? One person that certainly would was known to many in New York, New Hampshire, and Boston as Clark Rockefeller (yes, those Rockefellers). Clark rubbed elbows with those in high society all over those locales, but a messy divorce unearthed a murderous truth, and we’re here to talk about it! BUT FIRST This Week In Murder takes a look at a senseless shoving death of an elderly vocal coach and an equally senseless killing of three on a Philadelphia highway. And, as always, we finish with Who Died The Worst! --- Support this podcast:

A podcast tradition continues: it’s the fourth annual Murder O’Dude! And the St. Patrick’s Day celebration takes a more modern turn as we explore a 21st Century case, that of the Mulhalls, a troubled family finding itself in the center (or, in Europe, centre) of a controversy that popped up when a severed leg was found floating in Dublin’s Royal Canal. This week, we cover the story of how the leg wound up in the canal, and the St. Patrick’s Weekend festivities gone wrong that led to it showing up there in the first place. BUT FIRST! This Week in Murder looks at sentencing in a case of a triple murder over a Facebook post and the senseless killing of a New York lawyer who was a part of one of the most famous political protests in recent history. And, as always, we finish with Who Died The Worst! Like what we're doing? Subscribe and tell a friend! Think we could do better or have some other feedback? Reach out to us! Our contact info is: Merch/Website: Instagram/Twitter: @murdermydude Facebook: @podcastmydude --- Support this podcast:

This week, we’re releasing the show a little early, and it’s a very special episode commemorating and exploring the death of Christopher Wallace/Biggie Smalls/The Notorious B.I.G., as it’s been 25 years since his tragic killing. And because one story can’t be told without the other, we’ll also explore the September 2006 death of fellow hip-hop icon Tupac Shakur, and the East Coast-West Coast feud that may have been behind one or both of their demises. And then we'll be back next week with our 4th Annual Murder O'Dude episode, featuring a true crime story in (or related to) Ireland. Like what we're doing? Subscribe and tell a friend! Think we could do better or have some other feedback? Reach out to us! Our contact info is: Merch/Website: Instagram/Twitter: @murdermydude Facebook: @podcastmydude --- Support this podcast:

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