Murder, My DudeEpisode 128 - Scissor Sisters, My Dude (Murder, O'Dude IV - St Patrick's Day Special)
1h 40min2022 MAR 17
A podcast tradition continues: it’s the fourth annual Murder O’Dude! And the St. Patrick’s Day celebration takes a more modern turn as we explore a 21st Century case, that of the Mulhalls, a troubled family finding itself in the center (or, in Europe, centre) of a controversy that popped up when a severed leg was found floating in Dublin’s Royal Canal. This week, we cover the story of how the leg wound up in the canal, and the St. Patrick’s Weekend festivities gone wrong that led to it showing up there in the first place. BUT FIRST! This Week in Murder looks at sentencing in a case of a triple murder over a Facebook post and the senseless killing of a New York lawyer who was a part of one of the most famous political protests in recent history. And, as always, we finish with Who Died The Worst! Like what we're doing? Subscribe and tell a friend! Think we could do better or have some other feedback? Reach out to us! Our contact info is: Merch/Website: Instagram/Twitter: @murdermydude Facebook: @podcastmydude --- Support this podcast: