This Organized Life
54min2022 JUL 21


For the las 2 episodes in this series we are bringing the guests in-house with 2 of my team members. Joining me today is Enneagram 8, Kimberly Hermann. Kimberly is a wife, mom of 3 girls and the backbone of all things related to SBO. As an Enneagram 8 myself, I love talking with other eights to see the similarities in how we deal with people, situations, and of course, clutter. During our conversation, Kimberly talks about Growing up with a mom who is a hoarder Taking Charge We also talked about the strong intuition of Eights and how emotional clutter really isn’t a thing for us. Make sure to check out the links below for all things mentioned during this episode. We will be back next week, wrapping up our Enneagram Types, with my good friend, Gail who is an Enneagram 9-you won’t want to miss it! Connect with Kimberly
