This Organized Life

This Organized Life

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Take a glimpse into my organized, but not-so-perfect world as a mom, author of the book HOT MESS: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized, and founder of Simply B Organized.

For the las 2 episodes in this series we are bringing the guests in-house with 2 of my team members. Joining me today is Enneagram 8, Kimberly Hermann. Kimberly is a wife, mom of 3 girls and the backbone of all things related to SBO. As an Enneagram 8 myself, I love talking with other eights to see the similarities in how we deal with people, situations, and of course, clutter. During our conversation, Kimberly talks about Growing up with a mom who is a hoarder Taking Charge We also talked about the strong intuition of Eights and how emotional clutter really isn’t a thing for us. Make sure to check out the links below for all things mentioned during this episode. We will be back next week, wrapping up our Enneagram Types, with my good friend, Gail who is an Enneagram 9-you won’t want to miss it! Connect with Kimberly

Join me next Wednesday for a FREE webinar! 5 Ways to Make Money as a Professional Organizer. This webinar is for anyone who is interested in starting or scaling a business in the professional organizing world. You can register here: Today I am talking with Jackie Brewster. Jackie is a certified Enneagram coach and author who has been married for over 20 years and has 4 beautiful children. She graciously took time from her vacation to chat with me about life as an Enneagram 7, otherwise known as the Enthusiast. During our conversation we talked about: The importance of margin for Sevens Which type of clutter she struggles with most (physical, emotional or calendar) The role of the 5 clutter pitfalls in her life (procrastination, indecision, guilt, overwhelm & time) I loved learning from Jackie how clutter and organization show up in her life, both personally and professionally. Connect with Jackie: WEBSITE INSTAGRAM

Most people think that to be a successful professional organizer you need hundreds of clients, but I’m here to show you there’s another way. Whether you’re currently a Professional Organizer and looking for creative ways to grow your brand or someone with a knack for organizing and thinking about turning your passion into a profession– This FREE webinar is for you! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

Hi Friends! Have you ever thought to yourself “What if I need this someday?”What if your initial response to most things were rooted in fear? I’m talking about the worst-case scenario thinkers. You know, the folks who are mentally preparing for the apocalypse. If that’s you, then you are in the right place. My guest today is Enneagram 6, Angee Robertson. I invited Angee on the show to shed some light into the world of the Enneagram 6, otherwise known as the Loyalist. During our conversation we talk about: When Sixes seek outside authority for advice How Sixes can easily become overwhelmed with decision fatigue Why Sixes tend to ask a lot of questions WEBSITE INSTAGRAM OTHER LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: ANGEE’S BOOK RECOMMENDATION The Road Back to You

Joining me today is Enneagram 5, Kellyn Swift. Kellyn is the founder of unabridged freedom, and facilitates the popular IG page: @5ish_andiknowit. Known as the Investigator, fives have a desire to acquire knowledge to appear capable and competent. I often describe them as questioners, gathering as much information as possible. Knowing this, It makes sense that our analytical Fives are the first type in the head triad. During our conversation Keilly and I discuss: How the scarcity mindset of the Five can impact physical, emotional or calendar clutter The importance of understanding the difference between rhythms & rigidity What her childhood looked like as the oldest of six children and how that impacts her life now We will be back next week talking to Enneagram 6, Angee Robertson. CONNECT WITH KELLYN: WEBSITE INSTAGRAM KELLYN’S BOOK RECOMMENDATION: The Body Keeps Score & Take Care of Your Type

We are continuing with our Summer of Enneagram series and I have to admit that I was definitely fan- girling over today’s guest. Joining me today is Enneagram four Leeann Dearing who you may know from her viral videos on the Enneagram with her partner in crime, Michelle. Together they run the YouTube & Instagram Top Knot Comedy. Leeann graciously opened up about her journey into the Enneagram and specifically how she views clutter and organization from the lens of her type. During our conversation we talked about Why she craves “white space” in any room How she learned to separate feelings from facts The importance of discipline and why she views it as a gift We will be back next week with our Enneagram 5 guest, so if this is your first time tuning in, make sure you click the subscribe button! CONNECT WITH LEEANN: WEBSITE INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE

We are back with part 2 of my conversation with the dynamic duo from Pro Organizer Studio-Jen Kilbourne and Melissa Klug. If you haven’t listened/watched last week's episode, I suggest you hit the pause button and go check it out. Today Melissa & Jen dig deeper into each of their types. Melissa talks about the importance of protecting your time as a Two, and Jen opens up about the value of physical organization for the mental well-being of Threes. Although both types are in the heart triad (meaning that they are feeling dominant), there are some distinct differences in how they see the world, and how they relate and respond to clutter. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK

Today we are continuing with our summer series on Clutter & The Enneagram and boy you are in for a treat! Joining me today are my good friends Melissa Klug (Enneagram 2) & Jen Kilbourne (Enneagram 3), aka: the dynamic duo from Pro Organizer Studio. During our conversation we talk about: the struggle to say “no,”setting healthy boundaries, and how clutter makes them feel (and what to do about it) CONNECT WITH MELISSA & JEN: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK:

Today we are kicking off our summer series on Clutter & The Enneagram! Each week for the next 9 weeks, I chat with different guests who each have a different Enneagram type and talk about the role that clutter plays in their lives. Does clutter stress them out? Are they clutter-blind? What strategies have they used to help keep them organized and clutter free? To start our series, I am joined by Enneagram 1, Andrew Lang. ​​Andrew is an educator in Tacoma, Washington, an Enneagram scholar and student of Richard Rohr’s Living School for Action and Contemplation. During the episode we talk about Andrew’s journey into the Enneagram, what life is like as an Enneagram 1 and what he calls “the should monster” Regardless of your Enneagram type, this series gives you a front row seat to how clutter shows up differently in each of our lives. If you are new to our show, make sure to click the subscribe button-new episodes drop each Thursday. CONNECT WITH ANDREW: WEBSITE: https://www.andr...

We are back with another Partner Spotlight Episode, and today I’m joined by my good friend, Kelly Beutler. Kelly is the Owner of The Joyful Sort in Columbus, OH. Kelly is a boy mom, lover of donuts, and passionate about helping people sort through their clutter to get to the good stuff in life. During our conversation we talked about juggling motherhood and growing a business, what she loves about organizing and her 4 step process on decluttering before a move. And in true This ORGANIZED Life form we also touch on the Enneagram! Check out the links below for everything we discussed on today’s episode. CONNECT WITH KELLY OTHER LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: SBO PARTNER PROGRAM: P.S. Next week we kick off our Summer of Enneagram Series where we’re talking about all t...

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