國家地理:雙語精讀|英語外刊 熱點閱讀 一週三更
1min2022 JAN 31


【點擊訂閱我們的節目,不要錯過每週的更新哦!!!】 PHOTOGRAPH BY AKG/ALBUM 精選段落 (注意:以下均為精選段落,段落之間未必有邏輯連貫性;如需查看全文,請移步講義最下方原文鏈接,復制鏈接然后粘貼至搜索欄查看原文) Brothers Grimm fairy tales were never meant for kids 00:08①The brothers Grimm published what would become one of the most influential and famous collections of folklore in the world. 00:16②However, they had curated the collection as an academic anthology for scholars of German culture, not as a collection of bedtime stories for young readers. 00:29③The brothers asserted that they collected the stories with "exactness and truth," without adding embellishment or details of their own. 00:39④In later editions, Wilhelm expanded the originally shorter, sparser prose and modified plots to make parts of the dark, tragic stories more accessible to children. 00:55⑤Though the brothers became a household name because of it, Children's and Household Tales was part of...
