國家地理:雙語精讀|英語外刊 熱點閱讀 一週三更
1min2022 JAN 28


【點擊訂閱我們的節目,不要錯過每週的更新哦!!!】 WHITE IMAGES/SCALA, FLORENCE 精選段落 (注意:以下均為精選段落,段落之間未必有邏輯連貫性;如需查看全文,請移步講義最下方原文鏈接,復制鏈接然后粘貼至搜索欄查看原文) How did 18th-century vampire hunters identify the undead? 00:09①Antoine Augustin Calmet, the 18th-century distinguished biblical scholar, carefully collected and examined numerous reports of vampire attacks that were emerging from eastern Europe in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. 00:31②The incorruptibility of a corpse was thought to be evidence that a dead person was a vampire. 00:39③Accounts in Calmet’s Dissertation also noted that vampires’ hair and fingernails continued to lengthen even after death. 00:52④Bloodstains on an unearthed corpse was also a sign that someone had become a vampire. 01:00⑤Allegedly, when the stake penetrated the body, the vampire would let out a cry, further proof that the vampire had been alive. 01:11⑥Calmet’s...
