The Smart Sex PodcastChronic Pain Resilience and Relationships with Amberly Lago_Episode 35
53min2021 MAR 19
Today's guest has a truly remarkable story of finding grit within and rising strong. After being in a terrible motorcycle accident, Amberly Lago went into a medically induced coma. She went through a painful process of 34 surgeries and a lot of physical therapy. For years she needed the assistance of a wheelchair.Today, Amberly is a health and wellness coach, TEDx speaker, podcaster, and a leading expert in the field of resilience and transformation. I'm eager for you to hear Amberly's solid advice for actually putting ourSELVES on our "to-do" list. She talks about how to impact the world around us, how to give ourselves grace through struggle, how to attract good things, and the daily practice of living in gratitude.Through her story, Amberly encourages us how to shift our perspective on life.Amberly is the best-selling author of "True Grit and Grace." She empowers people around the world by sharing her story of how she turned a tragedy into triumph. Through her book, coaching methods, and workshops, she has curated unique tools to teach others how to tap into their superpower of resilience and persevere through any of life's challenges. She offers hope and solutions for anyone (like her) living in chronic pain to live life to the fullest. Amberly has most recently been featured on NBC's The Today Show, The Doctors, Hallmark, Good Morning Lalaland, and contributed to magazines such as Shape, Fit Pregnancy, Health, and Disability Magazine.I am inspired by Amberly and her courageous spirit, and I know you will be, too.VISIT GOLOVECBD.COM/LESLIE AND ENTER PROMO CODE "LESLIE" AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF GOLOVE CBD'S INTIMATE LUBRICANT.JOIN MY AMAZING YOU FACEBOOK TRIBE FOR WOMEN: