The Smart Sex Podcast

The Smart Sex Podcast

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Welcome to The Smart Sex Podcast – Real talk about Sex, Relationships and HOT Topics. Hi! I'm your host Leslie Gustafson, licensed Sex Therapist , Marriage & Relationship Coach & Master Psychotherapist of 30 years ( I say that humbly and for credibility so you know you are in knowledgeable, experienced hands.) I have had the privilege of being FOX TV’s Sex & Relationship Expert for 5 1/2 years as well as being a guest on Access Hollywood, and all the major networks and many radio channels. It was time to start my own show and dig in more deeply and expressively.In the coming episodes, you can expect we will be talking A LOT about Sex – how to have amazing sex, current #sexgeek facts, hot off the press research, sex enhancing tips, sex ed, and how to expand your own eroticism and intimacy. You will hear from experts and I will be your personal expert fielding your questions in my “askthetherapist” segments. If you’ve been following me elsewhere on social media platforms you know this is something I’ve been doing for the last 6 years. It will happen here now.You will also be hearing from couples in love. Couples willing to tell their stories and share the intimate details of their lives and include you in how they navigate their love. You will be able to listen in on conversations between women (some of my closet, most authentic girlfriends) sharing their real lives, histories, thoughts and humor regarding sex, wife-ing, mom-ing, their relationships, what they want and their big opinions about current HOT topics And, you will hear from men - Real Men willing to talk real about what it means to be a man in the current age and how life, sex and relationships work for them and what they want and hope for. My therapist husband will show up here too at times so I can pick his big, sexy brain and you can benefit from that.And we will have adventures where I learn about new things, try them out and let you in on the experiences. Yes. I kept that vague on purpose.And I hope you will tune in. I hope to entertain you! If these episodes aren’t stimulating, fun, interesting and at times lol humorous, then I’ve missed the point! So whether you listen in from the privacy of your own cars or rooms with your earbuds in or whether you gather as couples, or with friends and you listen and talk among each other. Let’s expand the conversation about SEX, LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS - be better, sexier and smarter for it & have a blast doing it! Pun intended.

I've got a hot episode for you today.Caterina Passarelli is a former TV News Producer turned romance author and entrepreneur from Michigan, close to Detroit. She writes in the contemporary, billionaire, and soon-to-be mafia romance genres. When she worked for the news, she was the morning Producer, so she went from writing about murders to writing about love!. Caterina gives us a behind-the-scenes look at her process of writing romance, and she talks about the complications of putting a spicy book into the world. Caterina also shares some personal thoughts about what she wants women to feel when she reads her books.We cover the benefits of reading romance and overcoming the judgment of being a romance writer. You'll even get my take on one of her books that I have read personally and how it impacted me.Caterina has written 6 novels available on Amazon, with 3 more due to be published soon. Many of her books have made it to the Top 100 of their genres.Find Caterina online!TikTok: Caterina's book email list:http://www.caterinapassarellibooks.comShop Caterina's books on Amazon:{PODCAST EPISODE SUPPORTERS} Join my FREE masterclass and get A STEP-BY-STEP Plan to break free from fear, insecurity, negative feelings and flat-lined relationships, become authentically you, radically alive and be the woman you long to be in aLL areas of your life! GOLOVECBD.COM/LESLIE AND ENTER PROMO CODE "LESLIE" AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF GOLOVE CBD PERSONAL LUBRICANT.

You've heard of self-esteem, but have you heard of sex esteem? What do self-esteem and sex esteem mean for men in particular? What is intrinsic and extrinsic about both concepts? How does it help or hurt us in the bedroom and in our relationship with our partner?Today I have a guest you know if you're a regular listener of The Smart Sex Podcast. Doug is not just my love, my sweet darling husband of 24 years. He is also a personal development, leadership, relationship, and emotional IQ coach, and a therapist of over 40 years.We're excited to connect and share with you today.Visit and enter coupon code LESLIE at checkout for 20% off your male hormone testing kit.Eddie by Giddy is an effective way to treat performance issues in the bedroom. Visit and enter code LESLIE at checkout to get $10 off the Eddie.

The show is BACK! I took a break over the summer, I am thrilled to bring you season 3 of The Smart Sex Podcast. Before we dive into the upcoming season, I want to take today to celebrate where we've been and highlight the connections we've made in the last year.We're looking back at guests who have brought expertise to subjects involving having fun, being intentional and mindful, and some difficult discussions about sexual trauma.Despite adversity and living in the middle of a world that feels so disconnected, I hope that you have found connection. I hope that you feel smarter and sexier because of the first two seasons of this podcast.I am so excited to share even more incredible guests with you. Be sure to subscribe, share if you dare, and leave your review!Thank you, as always, listeners, for being so loyal and sharing in this journey with me, and with the special guests I have here on the show. I can't wait to share what's coming up!

Today I'm excited to have a special guest, who is also my partner, my lover, and my best friend in life.We're talking about such a timely topic. "Play" is so critical to our well-being and relationships, and it has been compromised in the pandemic.Doug and I go into play in general, play individually, as a couple, and play in the bedroom. We want to inspire you to create a playful lifestyle with your partner!VISIT GOLOVECBD.COM/LESLIE AND ENTER PROMO CODE "LESLIE" AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF GOLOVE CBD PERSONAL LUBRICANT.

If there's an episode of The Smart Sex Podcast to listen to more than once, it's this one.Dr. Lea Lis takes us through the journey of sex education, from birth to adulthood in a way that will rock your world. She gives advice about age-appropriate conversations and behavior to model for our kids that will challenge us toward a healthy view of sex and sexuality.Lea pushes the envelope and even goes against what we view as cultural norms. Buckle up, listen closely, and no matter what stage of parenting you're in, take notes!Dr. Lea Lis is the 'Shameless Psychiatrist.' She is a double board certified Adult and Child psychiatrist, and Assistant Clinical Professor at New York Medical College. She has a bustling practice in the Hamptons where she sees patients from all family arrangements.Her book, “No Shame: Real Talk With Your Kids About Sex, Self-Confidence, and Healthy Relationships,” helps people pass down intergenerational wisdom, instead of trauma, by using modern psychotherapy techniques which she perfected throughout her many years of experience. She is an expert in the field of psychology, and hopes to change the way we speak about sex.VISIT and enter code LESLIE at checkout for $10 off Eddie by Giddy.LEAVE ME A VOICEMAIL! Go to and click the microphone to ask me a question confidentially that could be answered on an episode of the podcast.

Kim Boda, today's guest, is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and Realtors to level up and reach their highest potential through high-performance coaching, mindfulness, and neuroscience programs. She is a real estate expert at eXp Realty, a certified High-Performance Coach, Neurochangesolutions Corporate Trainer, and teaches "Mindfulness At Work" to organizations.Kim creates the real, strong, and legitimate link between mindfulness, sex, and intimacy.With her simple and practical tactics, she teaches us how to be connected with our mind and body. There is so much that we hold in our body, and without a doubt, we take that into the bedroom with us.Kim and I even do a little mindfulness practice in the episode. I hope you'll follow along with us.VISIT GOLOVECBD.COM/LESLIE AND ENTER PROMO CODE "LESLIE" AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF GOLOVE CBD PERSONAL LUBRICANT.LEAVE ME A VOICEMAIL AND BE HEARD ON THE PODCAST: Visit and click on the microphone

Today's guest has a truly remarkable story of finding grit within and rising strong. After being in a terrible motorcycle accident, Amberly Lago went into a medically induced coma. She went through a painful process of 34 surgeries and a lot of physical therapy. For years she needed the assistance of a wheelchair.Today, Amberly is a health and wellness coach, TEDx speaker, podcaster, and a leading expert in the field of resilience and transformation. I'm eager for you to hear Amberly's solid advice for actually putting ourSELVES on our "to-do" list. She talks about how to impact the world around us, how to give ourselves grace through struggle, how to attract good things, and the daily practice of living in gratitude.Through her story, Amberly encourages us how to shift our perspective on life.Amberly is the best-selling author of "True Grit and Grace." She empowers people around the world by sharing her story of how she turned a tragedy into triumph. Through her book, coaching methods, and workshops, she has curated unique tools to teach others how to tap into their superpower of resilience and persevere through any of life's challenges. She offers hope and solutions for anyone (like her) living in chronic pain to live life to the fullest. Amberly has most recently been featured on NBC's The Today Show, The Doctors, Hallmark, Good Morning Lalaland, and contributed to magazines such as Shape, Fit Pregnancy, Health, and Disability Magazine.I am inspired by Amberly and her courageous spirit, and I know you will be, too.VISIT GOLOVECBD.COM/LESLIE AND ENTER PROMO CODE "LESLIE" AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF GOLOVE CBD'S INTIMATE LUBRICANT.JOIN MY AMAZING YOU FACEBOOK TRIBE FOR WOMEN:

The Smart Sex Podcast is all about REAL TALK, and today's guest brings that with a side of laughter and fun. It is my honor, joy and delight to have my good friend Kathie J. join me. Kathie J. is a real life Wonder Woman. She's an Emmy award winning television host, a working mom of two beautiful girls, a wife, a daughter, a dog mom and advocate, and a #1 Morning Radio Show host of almost 20 years. She received her Best Lifestyle Host Emmy when she was co-host of Fox31's, "Colorado's Everyday Show." Kathie stays busy as a social media influencer with over 100,000 followers. Through humor, humility, and her dynamic personality, Kathie J resonates with people from all walks of life. I was a recurring guest on Kathie's show for many years and we always have a good time together.We talk about burnout, slowing down, and navigating through attaching self esteem to our work.JOIN MY AMAZING YOU FACEBOOK TRIBE FOR WOMEN:

In the identity development stage of my 20’s, many know, I struggled with body preoccupation, anorexia and bulimia which was my way of dealing with managing a loss, and feelings, particularly shame and anxiety, I felt I had no control of. It took a lot of hard therapeutic work for me to get well and ultimately shaped who I have become today.I discovered this episode’s guest on social media several years ago, and was so impressed by her knowledge and wisdom about issues that mean much so to me.Leslie Schilling, MA, RDN, CSCS, CEDRD-S, owns a Las Vegas-based coaching practice specializing in nutrition counseling for families, those of all ages with disordered eating concerns, professional athletes, and performers.In addition to running her practice, Leslie serves as the performance nutrition consultant for Cirque du Soleil and as an expert contributor to U.S. News & World Report, sharing advice on parenting and health. With her warm, compassionate and entertaining personality, Leslie has been featured in media outlets like Health, Women's Health, Self, Pregnancy Magazine, The Yoga Journal, Bicycling, BuzzFeed, the Huffington Post and on HGTV.When she's not spending time with her family, you can find her sharing non-diet messages through media and on speaking platforms across the nation. Leslie is passionate about educating ministry, military, health, medical and fitness professionals about the harms of typical dieting behaviors. You may know Leslie best as the creator of the Born To Eat approach and co-author of the award-winning book, Born To Eat: Whole, Healthy Foods from Baby's First Bite.Sign up for Leslie's weekly newsletter with dinner menu ideas and tips for non-diet living on her website: www.LeslieSchilling.comSome people don't even know that there is such a thing as a diet culture. Our society can be so pervasive in telling us that we have a problem that we don't have. Leslie and I dig through that, and she inspires us with a mindset shift and practical advice on how we can love our body, just the way we are.Listeners, THANK YOU for continuing to subscribe and daring to share this podcast!JOIN MY AMAZING YOU FACEBOOK TRIBE FOR WOMEN:

I have a delightful couple on this episode, and we’re going to be talking about sex, marriage, and laughter.Brittany and Ryan Ostofe cohost the podcast “The Laughing Couple,” which is #1 in Canada for Parenting and Relationships.They love to discuss the rawness of parenthood and how to create a healthy relationship through laughter and effective communication, and they did not disappoint in this conversation!By day, Brittany is the Curriculum Director for an Art company. She also runs her Instagram and Tiktok platforms with over 350,000 combined followers to empower her community of women through humor and relatability.When he’s not being an incredible Father, Ryan runs his own sales marketing business named after their two children, The Riley Cooper Group.Ryan and Brittany share with me how they manage two careers, working from home together, and how the pandemic created a breakthrough moment for their marriage in a very creative way.

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