The Smart Sex Podcast
1h 1min2021 OCT 8


I've got a hot episode for you today.Caterina Passarelli is a former TV News Producer turned romance author and entrepreneur from Michigan, close to Detroit. She writes in the contemporary, billionaire, and soon-to-be mafia romance genres. When she worked for the news, she was the morning Producer, so she went from writing about murders to writing about love!. Caterina gives us a behind-the-scenes look at her process of writing romance, and she talks about the complications of putting a spicy book into the world. Caterina also shares some personal thoughts about what she wants women to feel when she reads her books.We cover the benefits of reading romance and overcoming the judgment of being a romance writer. You'll even get my take on one of her books that I have read personally and how it impacted me.Caterina has written 6 novels available on Amazon, with 3 more due to be published soon. Many of her books have made it to the Top 100 of their genres.Find Caterina online!TikTok: Caterina's book email list:http://www.caterinapassarellibooks.comShop Caterina's books on Amazon:{PODCAST EPISODE SUPPORTERS} Join my FREE masterclass and get A STEP-BY-STEP Plan to break free from fear, insecurity, negative feelings and flat-lined relationships, become authentically you, radically alive and be the woman you long to be in aLL areas of your life! GOLOVECBD.COM/LESLIE AND ENTER PROMO CODE "LESLIE" AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF GOLOVE CBD PERSONAL LUBRICANT.
