Beautifully Empowered
1h 35min2022 MAY 1


The feminine and masculine polarity exists in everything. The yin and yang (passive and active) are two polarities that work together. As our internal inbalance has been projected into the external as chaos and disharmony between the feminine and the masculine, we are being challenged to return to the feminine and bring restoration to our world. . The feminine presence has largely been ignored from the collective consciousness, something that has damaged all living beings on this planet, not just female bodied women. The feminine allows us to go within, connecting to our inner world. From this place we find hidden treasures, experiencing healing and create the world we want to see. The feminine is chaos and order, so is the silent and hidden beneath all that is seen. There must be harmony between the feminine and the masculine for us to survive (and thrive) as a species. We must go forward, and going forward requires healing from within. . In today’s podcast I address the importanc...
