Beautifully Empowered

Beautifully Empowered

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Hi Beloved’s! This podcast is themed around spirituality, emotional healing, and self-realisation.To Know Thyself and to Heal Thyself.Amy-Letitia* I am not a Psychologist, and this podcast is not meant to be a substitute for a licensed mental health professional. You can connect further with me on Instagram @amyletitia_777YouTube - Amy-Letitia Download music on:iTunes on Spotify & all online stores!

Hi Beloveds! In today’s episode I talk about the direction of where I want to go with the podcast... stick around, I’m still here! I also share as a stream of thought whats on my heart right now in regards to Racism, Homophobia and Patriarchal Oppression. I address it’s root cause of separation that has stemmed from an unbalanced polarised mind. I also address the traps of ‘Anti-Racism’ work and the very obvious (at least to me) missing component that actually brings about true sustained healing, as well as other worthy ramblings Enjoy! . . . A beautiful Inner Child Healing Meditation . . Stay authentically YOU. Amy-Letitia --- Send in a voice message:

. . .hi beloveds, im tuning in to let you know that I’m taking a break from podcasting and to honour where I am in my life right now. Stay connected to me on Instagram @amyletitia_777 where I share my music and poetry. Subscribe to my YouTube to see my music videos much love to you --- Send in a voice message:

I joined by Prasiddha Ananda, as we deep dive into the essence of Yoga as an ancient practice. We discuss Prasiddha’s spiritual journey into Yoga and how Yoga has transformed her life. We talk about the beauty of Hinduism, The controversial white washing of Yoga in the west, our balance with Nature, the many misperceptions of Hinduism, Yoga as a Science, and Prasiddha’s experience of taking part in 2 Guinness World Records in the field of Yoga. We also talk about the similarities between The words of Jesus and the ancient Sages, and lots more! Prasiddha is a Yoga Teacher and currently a certified Ayurveda Practioner. I am so honoured and humbled to have got Prasiddha on my podcast, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed conversing with her. . Follow Prasiddha’s Instagram @kundaliniyoginiprasiddha she also has an YouTube channel full of amazing videos on spiritual growth, conscious living, yoga, health and more @kundaliniyogini Stay connected to You, and stay connected to Source/God/Love/Goddess/Life.... it’s all One! You are dearly loved and worthy beyond any perceived thought or value judgment that is placed on your existence, for you ARE existence.... isn’t that something to be so fucking grateful for! Fuck YES! Much love, Amy-Letitia --- Send in a voice message:

I am joined by Jilly (Water Priestess) to discuss the shadow work of healing racism. There are so many levels of racism that go unacknowledged, and in order for there to be social justice the world needs to pause, reflect and take an honest look at the racism within oneself. . I released a podcast conversation similar to this topic with my sister Rochelle Kenyon (podcast #51), however this specific podcast conversation is coming from a spiritual perspective. Jilly ends this podcast with a beautiful meditation in order to clear racism on a DNA level. . . Jilly - Water Consciousness & The Cosmic Joke . . Rochelle Kenyon- The Shadow Work of Healing Racism . . Much love, Amy-Letitia --- Send in a voice message:

Hi Beloveds, In today’s podcast I am joined by Archetypal Astrologer Dr. Frances Yahia to talk about Esoteric Astrology. Dr. Francis Yahia is a licenced Mental Health Counsellor using Jungian tecnhiques such as Mythology, Archetypes, and Symbolism to help clients understand and transmute their subconscious wounds With a PHD in Mental Health Counselling and educational leadership from Barry University, Dr Yahia’s methods help clients identify the destructive narratives they’ve built their lives upon, deconstruct the story, and a build a new, healthier foundation. She is the author of ‘The Seven Gates’ and ‘Witch Bitch’. She is also President at Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics where she teaches consciousness coaching as a method to become free from conflict and emotional pain in order to live your purpose and achieve happiness. Dr. Yahia addresses the following topics, and more: •Esoteric perspective of the Sun, Moon the Rising sign. •The History of Esoteric Astrology. ...

Happy Gemini season beloveds! ️ The sign of Gemini is related to the mercurial mind. A mutable Air sign that is symbolised by twins. Gemini is charismatic, witty, adaptable, perceptive, intelligent, and communicative, though you’ll never know which face they will show.... let’s talk about that! This podcast is especially for Gemini Sun/Moon/Risings, however we can all take advantage of taking responsibility for the dual nature of the mind. This is a deep dive, so relax and enjoy! Links to topics discussed in podcast 1. Gemini Rappers include: 2Pac, Kanye West, Biggie, Lisa Lopez, Andre 3000, Lauryn Hill, Ice Cube, Iggy Azalia, Princess Nokia, Azealia Banks 2. Maleficent: Death and Rebirth ( Darkness is the Mother/Moon/Subconscious) 3. Star Wars | Balance : Powerful Light, Powerful Dark 4. Star Wars | The Jedi Must End - Internal conflict and polarity war In love, Amy-Letitia --- Send in a voice message:

“The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different” -Mahatma Gandhi The ego is what prevents us from perceiving reality as it is. The illusion of form keeps us stuck on all that separates us and this includes labels. The essence of religion is the mystical experience, or non-conceptual isness of the Divine. Omnism is the recognition of all religions, and to acknowledge that each of them hold value. As we become more conscious of self, we become more conscious of others. Instagram @amyletitia_777 Much love, Amy-Letitia --- Send in a voice message:

The feminine and masculine polarity exists in everything. The yin and yang (passive and active) are two polarities that work together. As our internal inbalance has been projected into the external as chaos and disharmony between the feminine and the masculine, we are being challenged to return to the feminine and bring restoration to our world. . The feminine presence has largely been ignored from the collective consciousness, something that has damaged all living beings on this planet, not just female bodied women. The feminine allows us to go within, connecting to our inner world. From this place we find hidden treasures, experiencing healing and create the world we want to see. The feminine is chaos and order, so is the silent and hidden beneath all that is seen. There must be harmony between the feminine and the masculine for us to survive (and thrive) as a species. We must go forward, and going forward requires healing from within. . In today’s podcast I address the importanc...

As it’s Taurus season, I want to talk about all things Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac relating to the Venuscian pleasure of form and the material, and the slow steady pace of the bull, this podcast will be the first of many podcasts that I want to address on the esoteric astrological perspective of the zodiac signs. . To all my Taurus Sun/Moon/Rising and Venus, you will especially resonate with this podcast. However, we can all take advantage of this Taurus season. . . The Science of Alchemy- Daniel Paul (Know Thyself) Snickers advert for those that have a sense of humour The Dark Mother and the Subconscious Mind -Rev. Blaq Fire. Much love, Amy --- Send in a voice message:

The world simply doesn’t get it, we are one breathing organism. Humanity is One, and what happens to one happens to all. We are members of a global society, and it’s going to take shifting our thinking into what holistic teachings have said all along, we are One global entity. Country borders are an illusion for there is only one race. Separation by ‘race’ is also an illusion, for race is a social construct used to justify slavery and colonialism, keeping us on a treadmill of fear and lack. What is happening in another country can not be perceived as “well, it’s over there”. As the lead singer from Cranberries so beautifully sang, “But, you see, it’s not me, it’s not family”, oh, but hun, it is! If a part of the human family is being threatened with destruction, that is going to affect a part of everyone’s life, and the threat of Nuclear war involves ALL of us. To look within oneself and ask, what changes can we make on a daily basis that mean that someone in another par...

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