Beautifully Empowered
33min2022 MAR 13


The world simply doesn’t get it, we are one breathing organism. Humanity is One, and what happens to one happens to all. We are members of a global society, and it’s going to take shifting our thinking into what holistic teachings have said all along, we are One global entity. Country borders are an illusion for there is only one race. Separation by ‘race’ is also an illusion, for race is a social construct used to justify slavery and colonialism, keeping us on a treadmill of fear and lack. What is happening in another country can not be perceived as “well, it’s over there”. As the lead singer from Cranberries so beautifully sang, “But, you see, it’s not me, it’s not family”, oh, but hun, it is! If a part of the human family is being threatened with destruction, that is going to affect a part of everyone’s life, and the threat of Nuclear war involves ALL of us. To look within oneself and ask, what changes can we make on a daily basis that mean that someone in another par...
