職業藍圖:如何找到喜歡且擅長的工作(附英文原稿)7. Building Your Database & Your Community
31min2021 JAN 20
7. Building Your Database & Your CommunityYou're listening to the blueprint, pinpointand monetize your genius, Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check outall of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Welcome to episode seven of the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius.I'm your host and course creator Jay Jones.[00:00:27] And today we're going todiscuss. Building your database and your community slash platform, buildingyour database and your community slash platform in order to monetize yourgenius, you need to understand the importance of building a database. Yourdatabase is the biggest asset your company has. Now.[00:00:48] You also need to serve thatcommunity that you create by staying in contact with them on a regular basis.So guys the difference between a million dollar launch and a hundred dollarlaunch is your database. You hear all the time, these gurus talking aboutlaunching a product and making a million dollars and...