1. “超級創業者”傑伊告訴你,只要你能建立職業藍圖,就可以發現天賦所在,實現自我價值。在本課程中,傑伊將手把手教你如何建立職業藍圖,提供可操作的步驟,教你如何將熱情和天賦融合,應用在職業發展上。
2. 你將學到:如何發現自己的天賦?如何將天賦應用到職業中?如何通過天賦實現財務自由?
3. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。
- 連續創業者,作家,人生導師
9. Execution Is The Key You're listening to the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius, Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome to episode nine of the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius. I'm your host and course creator Jay Jones. [00:00:26] And today we're going to discuss execution. Remember the only three things an entrepreneur does is think, create an execute. Thinking is easy. Creating is a little harder and the execution is the hardest. So we've already gone through the first two phases, the thinking phase and the creating phase. When you created your first product or service, now we're going to focus on the execution, but first let's make sure we're up to date with all of our assignments. [00:00:58] So after each episode, you've had assignments and PDFs to complete. Now, remember each episode is layered in a specific order on purpose to give you maximum value...
2.Uncovering Your True Passions 2.揭示你真正的激情 And today we'regoing to discuss, uncovering your true passions. Now, before we get intotoday's session, I just want to make sure that you've completed everything youneeded to complete at the end of episode. Number one. So let's do a brief recaplast week, we discussed the foundation of the program and what you can expect. 今天我們要討論,揭示你真正的激情。現在,在我們進入今天的課程之前,我只想確保你已經完成了在這一集結束時需要完成的所有事情。第一。因此,讓我們做一個簡短的回顧上週,我們討論了基礎的計劃和你可以期待。 Also wediscussed living by default versus living in your genius. Now you had two PDFworksheets to complete. The first one is what is your why? And the second oneis the nine questions worksheet. So please make sure you have completedeverything before you move on to this episode. As I stated at the outset of theprogram, everything is layered on top of each other. 我們還討論了默認生活與你的...
10. It’s Time To Live In Your Genius You're listening to the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius, Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome to episode 10 of the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius. I'm your host and course creator Jay Jones. [00:00:25] And today we're going to discuss living in your genius. And I'm also going to give you some additional resource links. Now, in this final episode, we'll put together all the pieces, so you can start living in your genius. This is the culmination of all your hard work and discipline that has taken you to the finish line. [00:00:44] We're going to review what you have learned and provide you with some additional resource links to help you live in your genius. Now let's get ready for episode 10. Let's start by reviewing what we learned in the previous episodes. So we can bring everything full circle, and then we're going...
7. Building Your Database & Your CommunityYou're listening to the blueprint, pinpointand monetize your genius, Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check outall of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Welcome to episode seven of the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius.I'm your host and course creator Jay Jones.[00:00:27] And today we're going todiscuss. Building your database and your community slash platform, buildingyour database and your community slash platform in order to monetize yourgenius, you need to understand the importance of building a database. Yourdatabase is the biggest asset your company has. Now.[00:00:48] You also need to serve thatcommunity that you create by staying in contact with them on a regular basis.So guys the difference between a million dollar launch and a hundred dollarlaunch is your database. You hear all the time, these gurus talking aboutlaunching a product and making a million dollars and...
8. Building Your Marketing MachineYou're listening to the blueprint, pinpointand monetize your genius, Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check outall of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Welcome to episode eight of the blueprint, pinpoint and monetize your genius.I'm your host and course creator Jay Jones.[00:00:26] And today we're going to discussbuilding your marketing machine. In this episode, we're going to design amarketing machine that will systematically help you attract leads and nurturethose leads into paying customers. Before we dive into today's content, I wantto make sure that you're up-to-date on all of your assignments.[00:00:45] Remember, each episode is laidin a specific order on purpose. Every lesson is based on the previous lesson.So please make sure that you stay up to date with all of your assignments. Solet's get ready to build your marketing machine. Now, if you're not certainwhat business you're in, you're...
3.Defining Your Talents 3.定義你的才能 And in today'ssession, we're going to discuss, defining your towns. But first let's reviewepisodes one and two, and make sure we're up to date with all of theassignments in episode, number one, we reviewed the foundation of the programand we also discussed living by default versus living in your genius. 在今天的課程中,我們將討論如何定義你的城鎮。但是首先讓我們回顧一下第一集和第二集,確保我們在第一集的所有作業中都是最新的,我們回顧了這個項目的基礎,我們還討論了默認生活和生活在你的天才中。 At theconclusion of the episode, you had two worksheets to complete the, what isyour, why worksheet and the nine questions worksheet. So make sure you'vecompleted those before you move forward. In episode number two, we discusseduncovering your passions. And at the end of that episode, you had to completethe passion worksheet, make sure all of your previous worksheets andassignments have been completed before you move on. 在...
4. What Does Your IdealLife Work Relationship Look Like 4.你理想的生活工作關系是什麼樣子的 And today we'regoing to discuss. What does your ideal life work relationship look like? Whatdoes your ideal life work relationship look like? Unfortunately, many peoplehave an unbalanced life work relationship that is not conducive for living inyour genius. In this episode, we will explore your current life work balanceand help you to design a more efficient model where your work revolves aroundyour life. 今天我們要討論。你理想的生活和工作關系是什麼樣的?你理想的生活和工作關系是什麼樣的?不幸的是,許多人的生活和工作關系不平衡,不利於發揮你的天賦。在本期節目中,我們將探討你目前的生活-工作平衡,並幫助你設計一個更有效的模式,讓你的工作圍繞著你的生活。 Not your liferevolving around your work. Before we get into today's session, let's reviewepisodes one, two, and three, to make sure we're up to date with ourassignments. In episode one, we reviewed the foundation of the p...
6. Creating Your First Product Or ServiceYou're listening to the blueprint, pinpointand monetize your genius, Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check outall of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Welcome to episode six of the blueprint. Pinpoint and monetize your genius. I'myour host and course creator Jay Jones.[00:00:26] And today we're going todiscuss, creating your first product or service. Now, in order to monetize yourgenius, you have to have a product or service to sell. So in this episode,we're going to help you create your first product is service using myproprietary genius mind map, but first let's review episodes, one, two, three,four, and five, to make sure you're up to date with all of your assignments.[00:00:51] In episode one, we reviewed thefoundation of the program. And we talked about living by default versus livingin your genius. At the conclusion of episode one, you had two worksheets tocomplete. What is your wh...
5. Identify & Develop Your Monetization Strategy Listening to the blueprint, pinpoint, monetize your genius, Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app. Or on himalaya.com. Welcome to episode five of the blueprint pinpoint and monetize your genius. I'm your host and course creator Jay Jones. [00:00:26] And today we're going to discuss how to identify and develop your monetization strategy. Okay guys, this is where the rubber meets the road. Most people don't know the blueprint to monetize the genius. In this episode, we're going to develop your customized monetization plan by utilizing several worksheets to help pinpoint and identify your first product or service. [00:00:51] Before we get into today's lesson let's first review episodes, one, two, three, and four, to make sure you're up-to-date with your assignments. Now in episode one, we reviewed the foundation of the program. And living by default versus li...
1. The Foundation – Living ByDefault Versus Living 1.基金會-默認生活與生活In Your Genius 你的天才 It's obscured bythe quest to accumulate money trinkets and other things that have little or noeternal value. It's debunked as a myth by those who don't believe in itsexistence and ignored by others who don't know it exists. That elusive place iscalled living in your genius. Your genius is the intersection of your passionand your talent. 它被追求積累金錢、小飾物和其他幾乎没有或根本没有永恒價值的東西所遮蔽。它被那些不相信它存在的人揭穿為一個神話,而被其他不知道它存在的人所唿視。那個難以捉摸的地方叫做活在你的天才里。你的天才是你的激情和才華的交彙點。 Imagine whatyour life would be like. If you learn how to monetize your genius, howbeautiful and fulfilling would your life be? The inability to monetize yourgenius is the step where most people fail. If they even try at all, therebyunconsciously forcing you to live the life. Society is programmed you to live...