The Poetry Exchange
31min2022 APR 26


In this episode, Michael Cooke talks with us about the poem that has been a friend to him – 'Fisherman' by Dennis Scott. ​ Michael joined The Poetry Exchange online for one of our Lockdown Exchanges. We are hugely grateful to Michael for spending this time with us and sharing such a beautiful poem and converastion. Michael Cooke is in conversation with Fiona Bennett and John Prebble. 'Fisherman' is read by Michael Cooke and John Prebble. ***** The scales like metal flint his feet, their empty eyes like me. How gray their colours in the heat! Cool as the oily sea. With gentle hand he slits the heart, and the flesh as white as milk and the ribboned entrails fall apart like the fall of coiling silk. Some day I too shall fish, and find on stranger shores than these the ribs and muscles of my blind self, rainbowed from the seas. From 'Uncle Time' by Dennis Scott, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973.
