The Poetry Exchange
29min2022 JAN 18


In this episode, Gill Gregory talks with us about the poem that has been a friend to her – 'On the Departure Platform' by Thomas Hardy. Gill joined The Poetry Exchange at the National Centre for Writing in Norwich. We are hugely grateful to the National Centre for Writing for hosting us so warmly, and to all the readers who visited us there. Andrea is in conversation with The Poetry Exchange hosts, Fiona Bennett and Michael Shaeffer. 'On the Departure Platform' is read by Gill Gregory and Michael Shaeffer. ********* On the Departure Platform by Thomas Hardy We kissed at the barrier; and passing through She left me, and moment by moment got Smaller and smaller, until to my view She was but a spot; A wee white spot of muslin fluff That down the diminishing platform bore Through hustling crowds of gentle and rough To the carriage door. Under the lamplight’s fitful glowers, Behind dark groups from far and near, Whose interests were apart from ours, She would disappear, Then show again...
