Healing Out Loud with Jackie Shea
46min2019 JUN 24


Kerah Henebery and Food to Heal Kerah obtained both her B.S. in Dietetics and M.S. in Health Promotion/Allied Health Sciences from the University of Connecticut. Her diverse background as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist includes both clinical inpatient and outpatient support for pediatric and adult populations, but her true passion lies in using food to heal and applying an integrative approach to patient care in her private practice, Pursue Wellness. Kerah has particular interests in food sensitivities, digestive wellness, nutrigenomics, and hormonal balance. Kerah is a Certified LEAP Therapist and uses the Mediator Release Test (MRT) in practice to help target food sensitivities that may be contributing to chronic illness, inflammation, and symptoms associated with Lyme disease, Migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia- -to name a few! Kerah places emphasis on the whole-person and recognizes no two individuals are the same. She applies a unique combination of function...
