Healing Out Loud with Jackie Shea
1h 8min2019 JUN 10


Sascha Alexander: Sascha ( www.saschaalexander.com ) is a Professional Life, Health, and Business Coach. She started her health journey five years ago when she fell suddenly ill at age 28 with a progressive multi-system mystery illness that was stripping her of her life. Here is our first podcast episode with the whole story. ( https://jackieshea.com/2018/03/26/19-root-causes-cures-autoimmunity/ ) She then sleuthed her way to health by developing a system called the Six Root Causes of Chronic Illness, through which she successfully diagnosed and treated herself despite Western Medicine's insistence that nothing was wrong. She has now recovered her life from the grips of two different autoimmune diseases and Late-Stage Lyme via ozone therapy, peptides, and fecal transplants. She no longer lives life as a sick person. Today she supports people in getting well themselves, or in growing their businesses, making more money, or living life with authenticity, peace, and joy. Discussed in t...
