Siim Land Podcast
48min2021 NOV 17


Welcome to the Siim Land Podcast I’m your host Siim Land and today I’m playing you a replay of me being on an Instagram live with Vanessa Ascencao. Vanessa is a nutritional consultant from South Africa. I talked about the benefits of calorie restriction and fasting for longevity on her Instagram vda.nutrition Self Decode is a genetics decoding company. You can get personalized health recommendations based on your DNA and the latest scientific research. They have numerous different DNA reports for different areas of focus like weight loss, longevity, gastrointestinal health, cognition, and even mood. Recently Self Decode came out with their 2.0 software that incorporates artificial intelligence in generating DNA reports. It’s the most advanced and comprehensive consumer DNA service in the world. You can get a 10% discount with the code SIIM over to and use the code SIIM for a 10% discount on your personalized DNA reports. Times...
