13min2018 DEC 20


微信:JoshShuhua Every child’s favorite part of Christmas is getting gifts, but actually, the tradition of giving gifts at the end of December is much older than Christmas. In ancient Rome, there was a midwinter holiday called Saturnalia, with lots of feasts and parties and even gifts. After Christianity became the main religion of the Roman empire, the holiday Saturnalia was basically changed in to Christmas, and the feasts and gift-giving continued. However, even though the tradition of giving gifts on December 25th is older than Christmas, modern Christians make up Christian stories about why we give gifts on Christmas. Some people say that Jesus was God’s gift to the world, so we should give gifts to each other on Jesus’ birthday. Some people think about the story of the Three Wise Men, who gave gifts to Jesus’ family after he was born. Those are the stories that I was told when I was young. I was already ...
