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● 1000+口語高頻詞彙和萬能句型

● 地道的精準發音和語法講解

● 每週最熱美國新聞趣事的講解和談資

● 母語使用者對文化差異的深度剖析

● Joshua對英語語言現象的多方位詳解


1. 需要在生活或者工作中經常接觸外國人的現代人士

2. 想和母語者學習最地道英語的基礎學習者

3. 想要了解中西方文化差異的學習者

4. 渴望將英語學習變成一種習慣的語言愛好者


親愛的海外聽眾朋友們,樹華剛剛在喜馬拉雅海外版Himalaya開新節目啦:《西方生活通行證》!趕緊去app store或者Google play下載個Himalaya然后開始收聽!可以免費享受,或者成為會員跟樹華進一步互動互動。I'm waiting for you!

微信:JoshShuhua 微博 & 抖音:來自美國的週樹華 Killer Cold 致命寒冷 Super Slang 超級俚語 Killer Cold 致命寒冷 'Coldest air in a generation' hits the Midwest. Officials warn of almost instant frostbite Generation 一代 Hit 到/去 Midwest 美國中西部(芝加哥) Officials 官員 Warn 提醒、警戒 Instant 瞬間 Frostbite 凍傷 I hope future generations won’t have any disease. 我希望未來的人不會有疾病情況。 It’s Friday! Want to hit the bars? 週五來啦!去不去酒吧? The midwestern accent is the closest one to “standard” American English. 美國中西部的口音是最接近“標準”美式英語。 I love instant noodles! I want to eat some right this instant! 我好喜歡方便面!好想立刻吃! ...

微信:JoshShuhua Lovers’ Leave 請個愛人假 Moons & Meteorites 月亮與隕石 Folding Phones 可折的手機 Chinese firms give single female employees over 30 ‘dating leave’ Firm 大公司、集團 Leave 放假的假 Employees 員工 Over 30 30歲以上 Two Chinese firms are giving single female employees over the age of 30 an additional eight days of annual leave to “go home and date”. additional 多余的 annual 年度 The initiative by the Hangzhou Songcheng Performance and Hangzhou Songcheng Tourism Management firms will only be available to employees who have non-essential roles. Hangzhou Songcheng Performance 杭州宋城表演 Hangzhou Songcheng Tourism Management 杭州宋城旅遊管理 Available 可選的 Non-essential 不關鍵 Role 角色 ...

微信:JoshShuhua Chinese Achievement 中國的成就 Easy Earthquake 妥妥的地震 Instagram Champion Insta冠軍 Chinese Achievement A Chinese experiment has successfully grown cotton on the dark side of the moon. Experiment 實驗 Cotton 棉花 Dark side of the moon 月球的黑暗面 weird A biological experiment on the moon has borne fruit: a cotton plant has sprouted inside China’s Chang’e-4 lunar lander. Biological experiment 生物學實驗 Bear fruit 結果 Cotton 棉花 Sprout 萌發、苗 Lunar 月亮的 Lander “落地器” Scientists from Chongqing University designed a container with air, soil, water, and seeds. So far, only the cotton seeds have come up. Design 設計 Container 容器 Soil 土 Seed 種子 ...

微信:JoshShuhua Andy Hi, Josh! What have you been up to these days? Today, I’ve got a very funny question for you, and you know, maybe this last Ask 樹華 of this season in 2018. Thanks for your whole year’s instruction and sharing! 哈嘍,樹華!你最近都在干嘛?今天我有個很搞笑的問題想問你,今年2018最后的Ask樹華。謝謝你這一年的教育與分享! OK! Are you ready? Let’s go! 好的!準備好了嗎?走起! Well, suppose we were here in an American restaurant – a fast food restaurant, more specifically - and the waiter or waitress provides you with the following three: burger, sandwich, and hoagie. So, what’s the difference between these three, and which one is your favorite? Thank you! 那麼,假如我們在一個美國的餐廳–一個快餐廳,具體來說–然后服務員給你三個選擇:漢堡,三明治,和英雄三明治。所以,這三個有什麼區别,而且你喜歡哪個? Thanks, Andy! 謝謝,Andy! Ok, first of all, what kind of restaurant i...

微信:JoshShuhua Every child’s favorite part of Christmas is getting gifts, but actually, the tradition of giving gifts at the end of December is much older than Christmas. In ancient Rome, there was a midwinter holiday called Saturnalia, with lots of feasts and parties and even gifts. After Christianity became the main religion of the Roman empire, the holiday Saturnalia was basically changed in to Christmas, and the feasts and gift-giving continued. However, even though the tradition of giving gifts on December 25th is older than Christmas, modern Christians make up Christian stories about why we give gifts on Christmas. Some people say that Jesus was God’s gift to the world, so we should give gifts to each other on Jesus’ birthday. Some people think about the story of the Three Wise Men, who gave gifts to Jesus’ family after he was born. Those are the stories that I was told when I was young. I was already ...

微信: JoshShuhua What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? 一個雪人和一個吸血鬼混合的話,就有什麼呢? Frostbite! 凍傷! Frost 霜 Bite 咬 How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? 聖誕老人買他的雪橇花了多少錢呢? Nothing. It was on the house! 没有。是免費的! “On XXX” XXX請客 “The house” 酒吧、商店 This drink is on the house. 這一杯是免費的 、這一杯老板請客 What nationality is Santa Claus? 聖誕老人是哪個國家的? North Polish! 北極的! North Pole 北極 Polish 波蘭的 What do you call a blind reindeer? 盲的馴鹿叫什麼? No eye deer. 非眼鹿。 No idea. 不知道 ...

微信:JoshShuhua Zero 代表“没有”的時候 Zip Zilch Nada What did you learn today? 你今天學到了什麼呢? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. 完全没有。 在數字或者地址的時候 O(發音oh) I’m at thirteen o seven Changan Road, building one, room five o 3. 我在幺三零七長安街,一號樓,五零三。 說年份的時候 Ought 2008年 Two thousand and eight Twenty ought eight O eight Two A couple of... A pair of... 一雙、兩個 I have a couple of questions for you. 我有一兩個問題想問你。 Could you get a pair of beers from the fridge? 能否從冰箱拿兩瓶啤酒? Five & Ten Fiver, tenner 五塊張、十塊張 ...

微信:JoshShuhua Finish up 做完 We’re going to finish up on Friday. 我們週五就結束了 Be completed/finished by XXX 在XXX以前就做完了 Our project will be completed by January. 我們的項目一月份以前就做完了 Deadline 時限 The deadline for this paper is Friday. 這個論文的時限是週五 The semester will finish up next week, so the deadline for your papers is Friday. 這個學期下週就結束了,所以你們的論文要週五提交。 No problem! My paper should be done by Thursday. 没問題!我的論文應該週四就能做完。 Wrap it up 結束 It’s time to wrap it up. 到了要結束的時候 Call it a day. 下班、決定一個事情已經結束了 I don’t think we can do any better, so let’s call it a day. 我...

微信:JoshShuhua Anly As the USA is an economic power, do accountants or financial analysts have high professional status in the US? 美國作為一個經濟影響力巨大的國家,是不是給會計師和金融分析師很高的社會位置? That’s a really interesting question, and I can think of several different ways to answer it. You asked about “high professional status,” so I have to think about what that means, and I decided that it could mean two things: either well respected, or well paid. 這個問題很有趣,而且我可以想到幾個不同的回答方法。你問的是“高的社會位置”,所以我要思考這到底是什麼意思,后來決定這可能有兩種理解:認可度高或者收入高。 First, let’s talk about respect. I did a search of the most trusted professions in the USA, and... wait a second, what do YOU think is the most trusted profession? What do you think are the top three? I’ll give you a second to think about it before I tell yo...

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