職業藍圖:如何找到喜歡且擅長的工作(附英文原稿)1. The Foundation 基礎-默認的生活和天才的生活
20min2020 NOV 24
1. The Foundation – Living ByDefault Versus Living 1.基金會-默認生活與生活In Your Genius 你的天才 It's obscured bythe quest to accumulate money trinkets and other things that have little or noeternal value. It's debunked as a myth by those who don't believe in itsexistence and ignored by others who don't know it exists. That elusive place iscalled living in your genius. Your genius is the intersection of your passionand your talent. 它被追求積累金錢、小飾物和其他幾乎没有或根本没有永恒價值的東西所遮蔽。它被那些不相信它存在的人揭穿為一個神話,而被其他不知道它存在的人所唿視。那個難以捉摸的地方叫做活在你的天才里。你的天才是你的激情和才華的交彙點。 Imagine whatyour life would be like. If you learn how to monetize your genius, howbeautiful and fulfilling would your life be? The inability to monetize yourgenius is the step where most people fail. If they even try at all, therebyunconsciously forcing you to live the life. Society is programmed you to live...