Medical Protection podcast

Medical Protection podcast

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Medical Protection have brought our experienced medicolegal consultants and world leading experts together to help inform, protect and connect doctors from across the globe. This channel offers three distinct series; Real World focuses on the challenges and solutions to modern day practice, Headliners ensures you are kept up-to-date, and Case files lets us learn through real life cases involving medicolegal allegation and action.

What advice would you give your ‘newly appointed self’, if you could go back in time? Whatever your current healthcare role, and however long you’ve been qualified, this podcast is an interesting discussion with two of the authors of an article published online in 2020 with the above title . A survey was undertaken asking healthcare professionals to write about the advice they wish they’d known, and you might be surprised to hear the findings! There is always learning in hearing what other people have learned themselves, and how this applies to you. Listen in to Dr Sarah Coope, a senior medical educator in the Risk Prevention team at Medical Protection, in conversation with Prof Peter Gillen and Prof Eva Doherty, both associate professors at RCSI

Dr Sarah Coope, Senior Medical Educator at Medical Protection, in conversation with Professor Peter Gillen, Associate Professor of Surgery RCSI and Clinical Advisor to the National Healthcare Communication Programme Ireland, discuss the value of structuring clinical handovers using the ISBAR3 framework.(MPS members can access the recordings on their PRISM elearning platform of a four-part Teleconsulting webinar series which Medical Protection delivered between Sep-Nov 2020).

[This episode is for medical practitioners in New Zealand.]Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, medicolegal lead for risk prevention at Medical Protection, talks to Dr David O'Regan, consultant psychiatrist and sleep specialist at the Sleep Disorders Centre at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London. Exploring the potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on sleep and wellbeing. Offering practical tips and techniques to help improve sleep during a time of worry and uncertainty.

Dr Sarah Coope, Senior Medical Educator at Medical Protection, in conversation with Professor Peter Gillen, Associate Professor of Surgery RCSI and Clinical Advisor to the National Healthcare Communication Programme Ireland, discuss the topic of clinical handovers. They summarise the potential risks to patient and clinician when the information transferred is incomplete or unstructured and what some of the barriers to making an effective handover might be.(MPS members can access the recordings on their PRISM elearning platform of a four-part Teleconsulting webinar series which Medical Protection delivered between Sep-Nov 2020).

This 13 minute podcast is an extract from the first webinar in our Telemedicine series where Dr Sarah Coope, Senior Medical Educator at Medical Protection, focused on the essentials of teleconsulting with patients. Advice given in this podcast was correct at the time of release but please check current regulations, policies and guidance in your organisation.

In this podcast, Dr Graham Howarth, Medicolegal Advisor, and Dr Brenda Kubheka, Managing Director of Health IQ consulting, discuss various elements of patient safety and leadership, especially during a global pandemic. They discuss how clinicians disruptive behaviour has a corrosive effect on teamwork, and how this negatively impacts on patient safety. Brenda also discusses her thoughts around ethics, social justice, South Africa’s response to the pandemic and changes in the healthcare sector during COVID-19.

In this 20 minute communication skills session, Dr James Thorpe Medicolegal Consultant and Senior Medical Educator and Dr Sarah Coope Senior Medical Educator, focus on discussing difficult interactions with colleagues – a subject that has perhaps become even more important than usual during the current challenges of working in the pandemic. They explore current factors in the COVID19 situation that may contribute to difficult interactions and conflict, then look at self-management and key communication skills that can help you stay in dialogue and effectively problem-solve with your colleague.

Dr Sophie Haroon, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection interviews Dr Munib Haroon, locum consultant community paediatrician, about his experiences of being a locum during the covid-19 pandemic, including discussing some issues that locums more widely have faced.

Dr Karen Ellison explores how the pandemic has affected SAS doctors with Dr Laura Hipple, SAS doctor and representative of the grade at the RCOG and locally in Cumbria.

Dr Ellison explores with the National Guardian how the Freedom to Speak Up Guardians nationally have helped healthcare professionals during the pandemic in encouraging a Speak up culture

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